
W.O.D. 12.31.15

"Remembering 2015"
AMRAP in 40 Minutes:
800 meter Run
50 Double Unders
50 Box Jumps (20/24")
50 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
50 AB Mat or GHD Sit-ups

*this workout can be done with a partner or solo!!!

Holiday Schedule: 

Thursday, December 31st
Daily WOD- 6am, 7am, 9:30am, 12:15pm Express, 1pm Masters
(No Evening Adult or Kids Classes)
Open Strength-10:30am-1pm 

 Friday, January 1st

 Saturday, January 2nd
Family and Friends WOD- 10am
Open Strength 11:30am-1:00pm
No Kids Class 

 Sunday, January 3rd
Daily WOD 10am
Open Gym 11:00am-1pm
 No Kids Class

"I have discovered the secret of happiness - it is work, either with the hands or the head. The moment I have something to do, the draughts are open and my chimney draws, and I am happy." 
-John Burroughs


  1. 6am
    Dana D
    Theresa....3 rounds + 800m+32dubs Rx

    Mike S
    Mike Sim....3 rounds + 200m run (band)

    Justin D
    Chris D.....3 rounds scaled (band)

    Briana K ...1 round + 6 pull-ups Rx

  2. Jason 1 + 41 box jumps (abmat)
    Giulia Rx + Ashley (row/step up) 3+ 191
    Aimee + Keith 4 + run Rx
    Dave + Gordy 3 +86
    Jill A + Shane 4 Rx
    Rachel + Michal 3 + 121 snake
    Laura + Manisha 3+ 170
    Nick C + Kevin 3 + run 22 reps (sc)
    Mary + Emma 2 + run 160 (sc)
    Jill + Julie 2 + 202 (sc)

  3. Denise + Kevin 3 (sc)
    Brian T + Justin 3 +48 ROM
    Fayth + Anne + Ellie 3 (sc)
    Ryan S + Jessie 3 + 138 sc
    Mik I 3 Rds of 25 reps 32:00

    Masters- 25 Minute AMRAP
    Steve Z + Barb C 1 + 100 sc row
    Terry + Kevin +Anne 1 + 46 (sc)
