
W.O.D. 12.23.15

CrossFit Total
1 RM on Back Squat, Press, Deadlift.
Total weight for all three lifts is the score

Click here to read the Journal article regarding CrossFit Total.
Click here to read the basic strength standards for men and women.

Advent Day 23:
Highest Male/Female, Back Squat, Deadlift and Press and CFTotal!

Holiday Schedule: 

 Thursday, December 24th
Daily WOD- 6am, 7am, 9:30am, 12:15pm Express, 1pm Masters
(No Evening Adult or Kids Classes)
Open Strength-10:30am-1pm 

 Friday, December 25th

 Saturday, December 26th
Family and Friends WOD- 10am
Open Strength 11:30am-1:00pm
No Kids Class 

Sunday, December 27th
Daily WOD 10am
Open Strength 11:00am
No Kids Class 

December 28th- December 30th
Regular Class Schedule

Thursday, December 31st
Daily WOD- 6am, 7am, 9:30am, 12:15pm Express, 1pm Masters
(No Evening Adult or Kids Classes)
Open Strength-10:30am-1pm 

 Friday, January 1st

 Saturday, January 2nd
Family and Friends WOD- 10am
Open Strength 11:30am-1:00pm
No Kids Class 

 Sunday, January 3rd
Daily WOD 10am
Open Gym 11:00am-1pm
 No Kids Class

"Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for." 
-Zig Ziglar


  1. 6AM

    Sue K: 125# / 65# / 190# No DL
    Kevin B: 205# PR / 100# / 205# PR / 510#
    Mike Sa: 165# / 100# / 225# / 490#
    Briana K: 225# PR / 105# PR / 285# / 615#
    Rachel S: 285# / 100# / 305# PR / 690#
    Justin D: 225# PR / 125# PR / 315# PR / 665#
    Erika L: 123# PR / 73# PR / 178# PR

    - Clay

  2. 9:30am

    Jess A: 125# PR / 55# PR / 195# PR / 375#
    Julie R: 115# PR / 75# PR / 225# PR / 415#
    John P: 285# PR / 145# PR / 345# PR / 775#
    Mary H: 85# PR / 60# PR / 155# PR / 300#
    Barb C: 88# / 53# / 133# PR / 274#
    Meggan L: 145# PR / 75# PR / 215# PR / 435#
    Kevin H: 285# PR / 135# PR / 345# PR / 765#

    - Clay

  3. Express
    John Mc 265,115,315=695
    Tim H 295,125,395=815
    Lindsey 135,70,190=395(PRs for everything!)
    Sarah W 130 PR, 55,125Pr= 310
    Pam 165,90,245= 500
    Ben 265,135,365= 765
    Rich A 325,157.25,375PR= 857.25
    Karen 170Pr,70,225PR= 465

  4. 4:30pm

    Ryan S: 245# / 110# / 325# / 680#
    Ryan A: 395# / 185# PR / 365# / 945#
    John L: 295# / 135# / 405# / 835#
    Keith B: 365# / 155# / 405# / 925#
    Giulia U: 190# PR / 85# / 240# / 515#
    Rob C: 205# PR / 105# PR / 315# PR / 625#

    - Clay

  5. 6:30
    Lauren h 240/90/285=615
    All PRs!! Some really strong lifts...watch out for Lauren!!

  6. 530

    Cline 245 (pr), 105, 355 (pr!) 705 pr!
    Danielle 155 (pr), 60, 165 380
    Erik 275 (pr), 115, 325 715
    Shawna 145, 65, 195 405
    Sheila 130 (pr!) 35 1 arm db press, 175 (pr)
    Stephanie 145, 55, 100 300
    Jessie 130, 80' 165 (pr!) 370
    Adam 185, 120, 295 600

