
W.O.D. 12.17.15

Congrats to Josh Mc and Jill A

18min AMRAP: 
50 Calore Row 
40 Kettlebell Swings (35/53)
30 Push-ups 
20  Pull-ups
10 Deficit Ring Rows (13" box under feet)

Advent Day 17: 
Peg Board
*Fastest time to the top wins!
Record how High you can go

Community Notes:
The next Level 1 seminar at CrossFit King of Prussia will be held on February 13th and 14th. Click here to register today.

"If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary."
- Jim Rohn


  1. 8:30
    Aimee 2 + 16 reps rx
    Jill A 1 + 110 Rx
    Gordy 1 + 135 reps 44#KB
    Jenna 1 + 76 Sc

    Karen 1 + 40 26KB SC
    Eileen R 1 + 41 18 KB sc
    Manisha 1 + 49 35 KB sc
    Meggan 1 + 112 sc
    Mark R 1 + 85 44 KB

  2. Dana - who coached your class??

    12:15 Express
    Jessie 1 +68 sc RR
    Barb 1 + 50 sc
    Josh 1 + 40 35# KB
    Rob 1 + 40 sc 35 KB
    Therese 1 + 1 band RR
    Pam 1 + 107 Rx
    John Mc 1 +102 Russian SC

    1:00 Masters
    40/30/20/10 (no pullups)
    Terry 2 + 10 18/26#
    Kevin 2 + 30 35#

  3. Just patiently blog stalking... Don't mind me. :-)

  4. I don't think Tim Pappas heard your grievance at festivus!!!

  5. Oh good lord. Dana, Im sorry your score accidentally got erased as we were moving the whiteboard results to make room for the advent challenge day 17.

    Boom, Just kidding. Nice to see you and Erica as consistent nooners coming to the morning class.

    Jeff B 1+133 Rx
    Mike Sim 2+21 Rx
    Kevin B 1+121 scaled
    Matt R 1+65
    Justin D 1+50 band
    Sue K 1+50 band
    Theresa 1+95 rom
    Laura Alt. 1+126 Rx

    Erica L 1+45 rr sc
    Dana D 1+98 Rx
    Briana K 1+122 Rx
    Peter W 2 rounds Rx
    Joe C 1+101 Rx
    Mike R 1+22 sc

  6. Thanks TP!! I knew your had my back!! Looking forward to being dominated by your warm ups that basically constitute a wod next time!!

  7. Dave 1+75 Rx
    Chris 1+118 Rx
    Adam 1+110 44#
    Lucy 1+50 sc
    Lindsey 1+85 26#
    Jen S 1+91 25#
    Alona 1+72 rom rr
    Elissa 1+93 18# sc
    Steph C 1+91 26#
    Nate 1+ 67 35#
    Lauren 1+ 65


  8. 4:30/5:30
    Mike M 1 + 35 35#
    Barb C 1 + 35 18# band
    Luke 1 + 49 35# rus
    Shane 2 + 6 Rx
    Ragz 1 + 17 18# 10 PU band

    Flounder 1 + 58 ROM
    Shawna 1 + 33 ROM
    Brian T 1 + 75 Rx
    Alejandra 1 + 46 26#
    Matt C 1 + 90 Rx
    Rich A 2 + 5 Rx
    Tori 1 + 29 Sc ROM
    Cline 1 + 84 Rx
