
W.O.D. 12.10.15

30-20-10 Rep Rounds of:
Calorie Row
Burpees over the back of your rower
Double Unders

Advent Day 10:
Max Plank Hold
(forearms on the ground)

Congrats to Shane and Sarah and Coaches Gordy and Aimee

Community Notes:
The day has arrived!!! Please join us tonight for our Annual Christmas Party -- FESTIVUS. We will have a "soft start" at 5:00 PM. Put on your Festive outfit, bring a gift for the white elephant exchange, some food or drink to share and come ready for a little work out and A LOT fun with your friends and fellow CFKoP athletes!

“That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
-Steve Jobs


  1. 8:30 AM
    Aimee 9:56 Rx
    Gordy 10:34 Rx
    Steph V 10:45 sc
    Jenna 13:42 Rx
    Jill A 12:00 Rx

  2. 6am
    Regi 11:01 Rx
    Laura Alt. 13:50 Rx
    Theresa 13:00 Rx
    Sue K 13:20 Rx
    Manisha 14:50 Rx
    Lauren H 15:30 att
    Ben M 16:50 su
    Mike S 17:25 Rx
    Mike Sim 12:43 Rx
    Kevin B 13:20 att
    Jeff B 12:28 Rx
    Justin D 22:14 Rx
    Matt R 13:34 Rx

    Alona 14:55 Rx
    Joe C 11:07 Rx
    Briana K 14:28 Rx

  3. 9:30/12:15
    Bekah 13:42
    Eileen 15:23
    Jonathan S DNF

    Shane 9:02 Rx
    Jen S 16:52 Rx
    Erika 13:25 Rx

  4. 9:39 Revised
    Bekah 13:42 Rx
    Eileen 15:23 DU Attmpts
    Jonathan DNF

  5. Masters
    Terry 23:32 dua
    Kevin m 21:00 dua
