
W.O.D. 11.18.15

Power Clean

Cash out:
"Bike Race"
Classes will split in two teams and the first team to 200 Calories on the Air Assault Bikes WINS!

"People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude."
- John C. Maxwell


  1. 6a
    (A) Theresa 100#
    (B) King 185#
    (A) Mike Si. 250#
    (A) Kevin 135# PR!
    (B) Sarah 50# PR!
    (B) Lauren 115# PR!
    Sue 85# PR!

    Team A 9:37
    Team B 11:08

  2. Matt C 200
    Kevin H 135hng
    Mary H 88PR
    Jackie 145
    Ben 185
    Megg 102PR

    Team A 11:18 mary jackie ben
    Team B 10:55 megg kevin matt

  3. Pam 130
    Erika 95 PR!
    7:15 for 100 cals

  4. Josh P

    200# PR!!!! Woooooooo hoooooooo
    Josh's cash out was:
    Emom for 5
    10 cals air dyne
    Max kb swings
    53#, 46 reps


  5. 4:30pm

    Since the 4:30pm was so big we added a little extra fun to the bike race...200 KBS and 200 Slam Balls, but it came down to the Bikes and it was a photo finish!

    B Team 9:32
    Mike I 115
    Fayth 100
    Matt B 225
    Josh B 260
    Roman 185
    Ashley B 187

    Team A 9:29
    Anne B 85
    Jon 260
    Laura A 135
    Regi 150 PR
    Clayton 250
    Shane 225

  6. Borden 185x5 (back squats)
    Cline 185 PR!
    Ashley 115 PR!
    Steph 100
    TJ 115 PR!
    Matt 205 PR!
    Erika 120
    Taryn 130
    John L. 195
    Boys- 11:01 (w/ 200 kbs, 200 slam balls)
    Girls 10:36 (w/150)

    Julia B 85 (form)
    Sheila 105 PR
    100 cals- 6:40
