
W.O.D. 10.3.15

 CrossFit Kids -- Preschool "Cubs" Class

1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

Score is total load (add up all 6 lifts)

Community Notes:
Make sure to bring your "littles" to the 10AM Cubs Class in the Annex with Aimee, 3-5 year olds are welcome. First Class is always FREE!

OPEN GYM tomorrow, Sunday 10/4 from 11-1PM.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”
– Warren Bennis

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    FLounder 330/225/335/145/350/105 1490
    Ellie 195/165/195/150/200/110 1015
    Jilla él formé


    Amanda 115/93/125/90/135/95 655
    Justin D 235/165/255/155/275/135 1220
    Scott 315/225/345/205/365/155 1610
    Cline 315/245/315/225x19 205x15/315/170 1565ish
    Alex 83/83/93/83/113/83 538
    Alex L 255/225/285/195/285/165 1410
    Sarah W 125/95/125/55 600
    Bekah 155/115/155/95/135/85 760
