
W.O.D. 10.31.15

6 Rounds for time of: 
10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95# 
20 Pull-ups 
100 Sit-ups 
1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M) 

 or the... 

4 Rounds for time of: 
10 Clean and Jerks 95#/65# 
20 Pull-ups 
50 Sit-ups 
400M Run

Community Notes:
Join us for the Wolverine WOD (or Cub) from 9:00AM. We will have a group warm up and instruction at 9:00AM then will have rolling starts throughout the morning. Our Halloween party starts at 11:00 ish! See you all there. We will also have a special CrossFit Kids Halloween class at 10:00AM.
Friend and Family are welcome to the party!

Eat, drink and be scary.
-Author Unknown



1 comment:

  1. Wolverine

    Rich A 60:07 Rx
    King 58:57 Rx
    Shane 62:50 Rx
    Cline 74:28 115
    Jen S 69:01 65 band
    Alona 79:30 Rx
    Patrick 74 50 Rx?
    Giulz 75:05 Rx
    Michal 80:15 Rx?
    Dav* 98:15
    Jonathan 89:59
    Samson 88:14


    Ellie 32:13 band
    Alex R 31:44 band 65
    Ashley M 35:06 band 65
    Erika L 34:03 band 65
    Justin R 36:52 4 Rounds wolverine
    Jill A 38:52 4 Rounds Wolverine
    Amanda 37:42 band 55
    Syndney 40:00 band 35
    Jill H 40:08 band 65
    Mike S 40:04 Rx
    Flounder 42:31 rx
    Brian T 41;21 Rx
    Kevin M 42:50 75 band
    Rebekah 48:35 (6 Round) #spacecadet
    Scott L 24:41 3 rounds 45 band
    Mike C 34:39 band 65
    Kevin B 30:00 band 75
    Justin Durst 48:10 band
    Shawna 46:30 65 band row
    Luke 53:30 Rx
    Christine/Steph 1/2 Woverine
