
W.O.D. 10.19.15

Congratulations to Cate and Aimee who took 1st place in the SuperFit Philly Competition and Congratulations to Pam and Dana who finished 5th overall in their division.
A HUGE thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make the event successful!

Split Jerk 

Cash out:
Ring Dips

"With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp."
-Jim Loehr



  1. 6am
    Kevin b 135pr 5:10bnd
    Lauren c 110, 5:45 bnd
    Theresa 110,6:10bnd
    Sue 75pr
    Manisha 80, 6:34bnd
    Justin d 155pr, 7:46bnd

    Jon p 225pr 5:31rx
    Briana 145pr, 5:34 bnd
    King 195 5:40 bnd
    Pete 195 5:06rx
    Nick c 175 4:27rx

  2. Express
    Pam 135 6:34 rom
    Denise 115 :) bnd
    Scott 185
    Tim h 185
    Erika 93 6:11 bnd
    Dad 110

    Aimee 160 5:46rx
    Cate 157 6:11rx
    Gordy 5:12rx

  3. 9:30 PR party!!!!
    Shane 210 PR 4:54 Rx
    Jenna 125 PR 4:49 PR
    Jill A 150 PR 6:40 rom
    Bekah 120 PR 4:21 band
    Meggan 83 PR 6:31 band
    Jill H 115 PR 7:29 band
    Mary 80 PR 6:15 paralette
    Rich A 230 PRtie 3:02 Rx
    Heather 80 PR 6:28 paralette
    Emma 30 PR 6:40 paralette
    Darcy 95 pr 5:53 paralette/band

  4. 6:30

    Amanda 110PR!/ 5:17 band
    Rachel 175 7:27 band
    Alex 100PR! 2:45 band
    Michal 13 6:33
    Julia 100PR! 6:15 band
    Steph C 100 4:53 band
    Mark(MA) 140 4:20
    Nate 100PR! 5:29 band
    Kenton(IL) 240 3:54
    Cline 165 PR! 5:28 band

  5. 3:30/4:30/5:30 more PR Parties!
    Matt 205 PR 5:36 rx
    Andrew 315 pr 4:16 rx
    Josh 270 pr 3:43 rx
    Jonathan 280 pr 5:59 rx
    John Mc 170 pr tie 5:26 pull-ups
    Josh P 205 PR 6:05 band
    Justin 230 PR 6:20 band
    Regi 165 5:04 band
    Olan 215 PR 7:54 (last rep ROM)
    Taryn 145 PR! 5:30 paralette
    Kevin 185 5:27 bands
    Luis 235 PR 7:15 band
    Alona 115 6:30 floss
    Mike Sim 255 4:57 ROM
    Erik F 175 PR 5:33 band
    Joe P 179 7:01 Rx
    Jill C 127.5 PR! 4:35 band
    Ben 215 PR 6:32 band
