
W.O.D. 9.8.15

 NEW Sweatshirts are in!!!


Cash out:
400 Meter Run
40 Thrusters (55/75#)

Have you ever wondered why we squat so much?  Well, “The squat is essential to your well-being. The squat can both greatly improve your athleticism and keep your hips, back, and knees sound and functioning in your senior years." This article, Squat Clinic was written by Greg Glassman himself in 2002 and will highlight, why, how and the faults we sometimes see associate with this movement. It's worth reading.

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."
-Jim Rohn


  1. Express 12:15
    Erika 83#
    Denise 105# 5:19 Rx
    Sarah 93# 4:47 33#
    Pam 128 @ 3:47 Rx
    Tim H 175 6:44 Rx
    Jimmy 185# 5:20 Rx

    Terry 70 PP 32 Reps 6 mins Bike/PP 40#

  2. 4:30

    Jill A 125 4:37 Rx
    Regi same 5:45 Rx
    Giuls 115 4:39 Rx
    John Mc 155 6:11 Rx
    Jonathan 225 3:55 Rx
    Jess A 25# DB(left hand) 5:36 15#

  3. All from the floor:

    Flounder: 155, 6:06 (65)
    Karen: 93, 7:26 (rx)
    Meredith: 63, 7:49 (35)
    Brian T: 150, 6:06 (rx)
    TJ: 95, 5:47 (45)
    Joe P: 145, 5:20 (65)
    Rob P: 155, 7:57 (rx)
    Kevin: 170, 5:16 (rx)
    Laura A: 115, 4:08 (rx)
    Ryan A: 255

  4. Marisa:

    Mike Si. 205 PR!/ 4:11 rx
    Matt R. 125/6:40 (65)
    Theresa L. 95/5:43 rx
    Kevin B. 115 (rack)/6:08 (65)
    Jill C. 115/5:39 rx
    Justin D. 125 (rack)/8:13 (55)
    Mike I. 85/6:49 (65)
    John K. 175 PR!/4:13 rx

    Lauren C. 95/5:15 rx
    Alex L. 145/4:46 rx
    Pete W. 185 PR!/3:32 rx
    Joe C. 185 PR!/5:40 rx
    Jon P. 3 @ 175/4:22 rx
    Sheila M. 95 (rack)/6:49 (45)

  5. 9:30am
    gordy 175pr, 4:30 65
    josh B 205, 3:00rx
    shane 175pr 3:44rx
    jackie 125pr 5:58rx
    Manisha 70pr 6:03 35
    Sarah 80pr 6:00 33
    becca m 100pr 5:38 45
    scott 125, 6:00rx
    Briana 125pr 5:10rx
    Ravi 135pr 8:02 55
    Kara 63 5:20 KBS35
    Chris T 63 6:07 35

    Matt B 185 5:37rx
    Cline 155, 4:08 65
    lindsey 85 5:17 35
    rachel 165pr, 4:00rx
    Michal 105 4:39rx
    fayth 85, 6;23 35
    steph c 85 6:14 35
    amanda 80, 6:32 45
