
W.O.D. 9.17.15

"The Original"
Complete as Many Reps as Possible in 5 Minutes of: 
Body Weight Back Squat

*Then immediately after...

a 15 Minute Clock Starts 

You must run 800m then with remaining time complete 

As Many Rounds as possible of: 
5 Box Jumps (24"/20") 
5 Pull Ups 

Score is Reps of Back Squats + Rounds 

*If a body weight back squat is unattainable you will scale according to level and ability.

"What we have learned from history is that we haven't learned from history."
-Benjamin Disraeli


  1. 6am
    Jeff B 41 Rx + 10 rounds Rx
    Mike S 30(115#) + 8
    Justin D 37(14#7) + 7
    Theresa 44(75#) + 13Rx
    Sarah 20(33#) + 7
    Lauren C 33 Rx + 14Rx
    Mike Sim 51(135#) + 11Rx
    Kevin B 64(95#) + 11
    Rachel W 34 Rx + 11Rx

    Mike Russo 41(95#) + 7
    Jon P 37 Rx + 13 Rx
    Laura Alt. 29 Rx + 14Rx

  2. 9:30/12:15/Masters
    Sarah W 40 @55# 5 + 8 Rom PU
    TJ 31 @ 65# + 7 rx
    Ravi 35 @ 135 + 5 ROM PU
    Jill A 52 + 11 all RX
    Jill H 45 @ 95# 7 +3 Band
    Josh B 60 reps at 175
    Jonathan S 45 reps @ 185 Rx + 10+15 Situp

    Rich A 74 + 18 all RX
    Tim H 45 @ 185# + 9 SC RR/20"
    Scott 31 @ 135/185# +11 Rx
    Dana 45 @ 103# + 12+ 8 rx
    Pam 36 + 13 + 5 all Rx
    Sarah S 34 + 11 all Rx

    Masters WOD:
    5 Rounds of
    200 M Run
    15 Air Squats
    10 Box Jumps
    5 Pull-ups

    Aileen 3 Rds in 15 minutes
    Terry 20:04

  3. 630

    Danielle 95# 36+ 12 sc
    Chris 145# 35+ 10 Rx
    Lindsey 95# 39 + 9+2 sc
    Nico 25+9 Rx
    Alex 75# 38+ 10 sc
    Mike C 95# 54+ 9


  4. 4:30/5:30
    Regi 45 reps rx row/ 9 rx
    Anne 55 @ 63# 8 + 5 16"band
    Sheila 65@ 65# 7 20"/band
    Chris M 25 @ 75# 8 + 5 RR 17"
    Roman 34 @ 145# 16 + 5 Rx
    Shane 55 18+ 5 Rx
    Jenna 25 @ 115# 8 +9 Band
    Justin R 37 @ 155# 12 + 4 Rx
    Jonathan P 57 Rx 12 + 2 Rx
    Possum 51 + 18 Rx
    John Mc 29 + 10 + 1 Rx
    Denise 40 @ 135# 12 + 4 band
    Ryan 53 + 12 + 2 Rx
    Brian 33 @ 155# 9 Rx
    Giulia 26 + 11 Rx
