
W.O.D. 9.12.15

Congratulations to the "Fristers" Aimee and Cate for taking 1st at the Endless Summer Comp at CrossFit Apex!

3 Rounds for time with a Partner:
Partner 1:
250 Meter Row 
30 Wallballs 14/20# to 9/10 ft
20 Deadlifts 135/205#
Partner 2:
20 Deadlifts 135/205#
30 Wallballs 14/20# to 9/10 ft
250 Meter Row

Community Notes:
Good luck to Aimee and Cate competing at the Masters Endless Summer Partner Competition at CrossFit Apex today!

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."
-John D. Rockefeller


  1. 9am
    Miss Jackson 55#; 12:23 (35#, 26# KB, SU)
    Ben 105#; 14:14 (65#, 44# KB, DUA)
    Sue 55#; 13:37 (35#, 26# KB, DUA)

    Danielle 60#; 13:47 (35#, 26# KB, Knee raises, DUA)
    Shawna 55#; 14:53 (K2E ROM)
    Erika R 55#; 13:10 (SU)
    Anne 45#; 13:38 (35#, 18# KB, knee raises, DUA)
    Scott :)
    Steph 55#; 14:05 (45#, 26# LB, K2E ROM, DUA)
    Fayth 55#; 14:28 (45#, Russian, K2E ROM, DUA)
    Patrick 115#; 12:43 RX
    Sir Cline 95#; 11:57 (65#, 48#, T2B Floor)

  2. . . . looks familiar . . . disgusting.

  3. Jonathan/Josh 22:09 Rx
    Laura(Rx)/Becca(95) 26:55
    Flounder(14)/Jason I(Rx) 27:22
    Alex(83)/Lauren(115) 25:51

    Jimmy 17:28 Rx solo dead-WB-row

    Mike I(95)/Cline(135) 27:31

    Jessie(93/10)/Sarah W(73/12) 27:47
