
W.O.D. 8.13.15

 Welcome to RAVI!

For time:
800 Meter Run
25 Handstand Push-ups
5 Wall Ascents
400 Meter Run
25 Handstand Push-ups
5 Wall Ascents
200 Meter Run
25 Handstand Push-ups
5 Wall Ascents

Community Notes:

Good luck to all the Athletes competing in the Brawl in the Burbs on Saturday at CrossFit King of Prussia. Alison K, Diane, Mark C, Dave N, Pam, Dana, Jon P, Rachel W, Michal, Matt B, Jimmy, Miranda and Shawna.

CrossFit King of Prussia will be CLOSED for regular classes on Saturday 8/15 as we host the Brawl in the Burbs, we will resume our regular schedule on Sunday, 8/16. 

Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.
-Joyce Meyer


  1. 6am
    Mike M 17:39 ( 2abmats, 6'wall)
    Brian H 22:14 (sb, 6')
    Manisha 25:20 (box hspu, 6')
    Mike S 25:29 (box hspu, 6')
    Justin D 25:54 (sb, 6')
    King 23:12 (1 silly abmat)
    Joe C 23:24 (1/2 sbugs)

  2. 9:30AM
    Ravi 21:05 HRPU 6ft
    Jill 23:15 rx
    Jessica 22:23 HRPU attempts
    Steph C 24:18 SB/kick up

  3. 12:15
    Scott 24:19 HR Pushups 6ft attempts
    Pam 24:34 (15 HSPU AB)
    Erika 23:25 (15 HSPU AB) 6ft attempts
    #keithie 17:12 RX
    Julie 24:20 (1 AB/HSPU 15/10/10) 6ft attempts
    Tim H 22:10 (pushups 6ft attempts)

  4. 630

    Rachel 21:50 15 hspu 1 abm
    Nico 20:45 SB, 6 ft
    Derreck 25:42 sb
    Lauren 21:07 15# lsit press, box 6ft
    Lindsey 19:57 15ft lsit press, box 6ft


  5. 4:30/5:30
    Rich A 18:14 Rx
    Roman 17:39 (15 hspu)
    Ryan 22:33 (15 hspu)
    Rob P 22:10 (kick up/SB)
    Anne B 17:34 PU/BJ
    Jenna 21:44 15 HSPU
    Marni 19:30 (Kick up/PU/jump bar MU)

    Meredith 29:09 (sc)
    Christine 28:30 (sc)
    Josh P 23:38 SB
    Giuly 21:52 (15 HSPU)
    Silver Fox 27:31 RX
    Alison + Winston :P
    Josh Mc 25:08 Rx
    Possum 20:41 Rx
    Alona 24:46 3 AB
