
W.O.D. 7.17.15

3 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
500 Meter Row
100 Double Unders

Community Notes:
Tomorrow, Saturday, 7.18 is our Annual "in house" Competition, the King and Queen of Prussia.  If you are competing we can't wait to watch you throw down.  If you want to come out to spectate or judge or socialize--everyone is welcome.  We will provide food and drinks for after the event, but feel free to bring something to share.

“Be impressed by intensity, not volume”
- Greg Glassman


  1. 6am
    king 20:13rx
    micha 19:15Rx
    Rachel W 21:41rx
    Justin D 30:15 DUA
    Manisha S 22:34 50DU
    Brian H 23:43 DUA

    Jonathan S 21:33Rx
    Peter 16:57Rx
    Jeff B 17:08 Rx

    Congrats to Jeff B for getting on the 100DU board in his first round!!

  2. 9:30/12:15
    Shane 18:35 DUA (50)
    Kevin B 22:00 (50 DUA)
    Jill H 23:35 (50 DU)
    Marni 19:51 (200M run, 20 cal bike)
    Gordy 22:25 Rx
    Cate 21:21 Rx
    Aimee 19:59 rx
    Rich A 18:14 rx
    Heather 24:25 25 DU
    Marci 26:00 (25 DUA)
    Erika 28:44 (100/90/75) DU

  3. 4:30

    Giulz 20:37 Rx
    Rachael 21:11 25 du
    Mike M 22:30 su/dua
    Scott R 22:16 Su
    Anne Br 22:02 situps
    Danielle 20:01 20dua


    Matt E 20:00 2:00DUs/rnd
    Alona 26:03 Rx
    Jen S 21:41 2:00dDUA
    Rob H 21:40 2:00DUA
    Lauren 22:30 25DU
    Joe P 20:18 60DU
    Sue 22:07 35DUs


    Erik 23:38 2:00DUA
    Sheila 24:20 2:00DUA
