
W.O.D. 6.8.15

 Scott and friends at boot camp!
line up--smallest to tallest

 Welcome to Ray---he will be interning with us until the end of the summer!

for time:
30 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)

Gymnastic Skill:
and L-sit holds

Do three sets for the L-sit holds to accumulate max time in each set; for the shoot-throughs work on skill here or do 30 for time. 

Community Notes:
Click here to check out and sign up for the up coming specialty clinics with Aimee Lyons.
Monday, 6/8- Pull-up, 6/15- Handstand Push-up, 6/22 Muscle Up...all specialty clinics will occur at 6:30PM in the main gym. These are FREE for members and $25 for non-members.

"It doesn't matter how valid your excuses, they will never change your performance."


  1. King 3:47 Rx PR
    Brian H 3:47 95
    Sheila 3:51 35
    Theresa 3:10 45
    Sue 3:42 35

  2. Joe C 4:19 Rx
    Mike R 4:29 75 hang
    Pete 3:05 Rx

  3. PR PARTY AT THE DIRTY 9:30!...is it because Diane is back?
    David 5:04 85# PR!
    Fran 3:38 40# PR!
    Jenna 3:22 65# PR!
    Eileen 4:13 35# PR!
    Diane 2:37 65# PVR
    Jill A 3:26 RX PR tie
    Jill H 3:47 65# PR
    Jackie 4:40 Rx PR!
    Heather 5:00 35# PR!
    Darcy 4:01 58# PR!
    Manisha 4:43 60# PR!

  4. Express
    Shane 3:49 105
    Tim h 3:43 95
    Pam 4:08 Rx pr!!!!
    Mark 3:01 115#

  5. 5:30pm:

    Silver Fox 3:15 rx PR!
    Ben T. 4:40 (115)
    Shawna P. 5:58 (75)
    Jill C. 3:26 (75)
    Christine S. 2:49 (65)
    Josh P. 3:42 (115) PR!
    Brian T. 4:48 (105)
    Jason I. 4:50 rx
    Sarah W. 3:55 (45)
    Mike Z. 3:31 (75)

  6. 6:30pm
    Ashlea 3:54 35#
    Lauren h 3:36 55#
    Jess a 2:17 35
    Kyle 4:22 Rx
    Jim m 3:36 115#
    Matt e 2:48rx
    Rich a 2:15rx pr
    Ann b 4:12 63
    Matt b 3:37 Rx pr

  7. Justin R 2:54 PR!
    Ryan S 3:56 115# PR!
    Mike M 3:36 65# PR!
    Maddy 4:56 25 reps @ 53#
    Ly 1:48 53#--too light Ly...
    Ray 2:48 Rx
