
W.O.D. 5.26.15

Back Squat 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 9 Minutes
15 Calorie Row
9 Burpee Box Jumps (20/24")

Record total Reps.

“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.”
– Donald Trump


  1. Marisa:

    King 205/ 4+15 Rx
    Laura a. 115/4+3 Rx
    Justin d. 205 PR!/3 (20")
    Manisha 80/ 3+2 Rx

    Peter 225/4+23 Rx
    Mike 85/2+15 (17")
    Sheila 75/2+22 Rx

  2. My weight was 195#. I added the plates wrong. It was still a 5 rep PR though.

  3. Justin nice job! You have really made so much progress - keep it up- you are working hard and it shows!

  4. 9:30

    Chris T 115 3+22 17"
    Jill H 135 3+13
    Kara 85 3+23 step
    Scott R 215 3+9 Rx


    Lindsey 110 3+17 Rx
    Michal 140 3+18 Rx
    Derreck 255 3+10 Rx
    Brent 125 3+9 Rx
    Dave N 265 4+15 Rx
    Matt B 4 Rx


    Dan G 275 3+20 step
    Matt E 245 3+18 Rx
    Erika R 130 3+10 Rx
    Jill W 115 3 Rx

  5. 12:15
    Fayth 95 3 +7 17"
    Pam 155 4 + 1 Rx
    Anne 105 3 rds (12"/45#plate)
    Denise 165 PR!3 + 18 Rx

    Great dedication to form today at the non-express---express...

  6. Justin R: 225, 4+9 rx
    Aimee: 215
    Regi: 195, 3+8 rx
    Samson: 205, 4+7 rx
    Giuls: 135, 3+17 rx
    Chris M: 165, 3 (20")
    Mike Z: 155, 3+15 rx
    Roman: 195, 5 rx
    Bob R: 155, 2 (13")
    Jason S: 185, 3+15 (20")
    Marci: 135, 2+22 (SU)
    Karen: 145, 3 rx
    Chris B: 185, 3 rx
    Erik: 225, 3+9 rx
    Jenna: 135, 3+17 rx
    Mike M: 145, 3 rx

    Matt: 145, 3+16 rx
    Chrystal: 85, 3+3 (SU)
    Ashlea: 25, 3 rx
    Josh P: 185, 4+8 rx
    Stacy H: 105, 3+5 (SU)
    Alona: 3+10 rx
