
W.O.D. 5.22.15

Pistol- One legged Squat

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
200 Meter Run
10 Pistols
10 GHD Sit-ups
1 Rope Climb

Community Notes:
Join us on Monday the 25th at 10:00AM for a FREE class. Friends and Family are welcome.

Click here to sign up for the Summer Teens Program (ages 13+)
Click here to sign up for the Summer Preschool Program (ages 3-6)

“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.”
– Anne Frank


  1. 6a
    Theresa 5+21 Rx
    Laura a 5+21 Rx
    Justin d 3+9 box
    Mike s 5+3 box su/ghd
    Ellie 5 su/ghd

    Mark c 5 all the scales/sit-ups
    Lauren h 4+1 box/ sit-up
    Alex 8 Rx
    LP 8+1rx
    Peter 7+4 counterbalance

  2. 9:30 (the 200 Meter run will count at 10 reps)
    Manisha 5 + 30 reps (pistolROM)
    RAchel 5+23 (pistol rom)
    Meggan 5 scale
    Jill A 6 Rx
    Barb 6 (box, Ab/GHD/rope)
    Diane 5 (box/rope pull)
    Brian T 4 + 30 (45+ball/pistols)
    Chris T 6 (box pulls)
    Jimmy 5 Rx
    Heather 4 + 30 Box pulls
    Hugo 7 RX (thanks for dropping in, it was great to have you!)

    Matt H 3 scaled (welcome home!)
    Dana 4 + 20 rom pistol
    Pam 6 + 28 Rx
    Erika 4 +12 (scaled)
    Gillian :)

  3. 3:30

    Christine W 4+21 box sc ab
    Michal 6+9 Rx
    Justin 6+17 box


    Tim P 8 Rx
    Ly 5+9 box
    Mike M 5 squats ROMghd


    Ryan S 6 Rx
    Alona 5+19 box ~17"
    Giuls 4+21 box 17"
    Derreck 5+5 box 20"
    Sue 6+21 ab 17"
    Jen S 8+1 20" ab (no rope climbs)


    Stephanie C 6 17"
    Nick 6+1 RXish(plate under heel for pistols)
