
W.O.D. 5.11.15

Don't forget about BRING a FRIEND for FREE Month and also our FREE Family class on 5/31 at 10:00AM!

3 Rounds of:
5 Minute AMRAP
7 Deadlifts (165/245#)
7 Bar Facing Burpees over the Bar
7 Bar Muscle Ups

2:00 Minute Rest between Rounds

For total Reps

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
-Christopher Reeve



  1. Kara 137 (93#/PU)
    Chris 135 (93/PU)
    Manisha 122 (103#/JMU)
    Ben 134 (185#/17")
    Jill A 127 (JMU)
    Jackie 116 (JMU)
    Jill H 122 (24"JMU)
    Heather 115 (55#/JMU)
    Darcy 114 (95#/JMU)
    Tataiana 152 (45#/JMU)
    Scott 110 (185/JMU)

  2. Express
    Fran 128 85 bnd pull/ p dips
    Erika 165 105 pull/ p dip
    Denise 187 145 bnd pull/ pdips
    Pam 151 165 24"box

  3. 530PM

    Josh 109 (#185, banded bmu)
    Jill 129 (#163, JMU)
    Ryan 130 (#225, 3 BMU)
    Kevin 149 (#185, banded pu)
    Christa 143 (#93, banded pu)
    Ly 130 (#103, JMU)
    Kyle 121 (3 banded BMU)

  4. 3:30 & 4:30P

    Anne 140 (#83, banded pu)
    Brent 83 (#73, banded pu)
    Chris M. 129 (#105, ring rows)
    Ursula 163 (banded ctb)
    Olan 115 (chest to bar pu)
    Mike Z. 119 (#135, JMU)
    Justin 119 (#225, JMU/BMU attempts)
    Roman 150 (#205, 3 BMU)
    Jen S. 104 (#75, JMU)
    Alona 112 (#145, JMU)
    Reggie 115 (#135, JMU)

  5. borden 129 24"/225
    Michal 102 Band/135
    Conn 117 155#
    Ellie 115 25/125
    Jim 118 Mu/pu
    Sharon 99 Jump/165
    Matt b 112 20/225
    Anne B 112 115/rr&pdip
    Ale 137 103, jump
    Fayth 122 jump/115
    Christine 174 73/ rr&boxdip
    Steph C 109 105/bandsss

  6. 6/7 am

    Justin D 102 154 jmu
    King 136 185 jmu
    Nick C 120 185
    Alex 136 185 jmu
    Jeff 159 jmu
    Pete 158 jmu
    Joe C 125 225 jmu
