
W.O.D. 3.22.15

TEST DAY- Record Results

 Five rounds for time of: 
Run 400 meters 
30 Box jumps, 20/24 inch box 
30 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound ball to 9/10ft

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Maya Angelou

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Flounder 39:40 sc
    Mike 35:40 sc
    Theresa 32:08 Rx


    Alona 35:19 Rx
    Cline sc
    Dan 35:16 sc
    Derreck 41:25 sc
    Jill C 33:12 Rx
    Jill W 35:58 sc
    Laurne 35:35 Rx
    Lindsey 35:32 sc
    Rachel 30:15 Rx
