
W.O.D. 3.21.15

Back Squat

Cash out
AMRAP 5 Minutes 
 10 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
10 Goblet Squats (35/55#) 

Rest 1 Minute 

 Max Double Unders or Max Single Unders in 1 minute 

Record and score total reps from each portion. 

"If you wish to appear agreeable in society, you must consent to be taught many things which you know already."
-Johann Kaspar Lavater

1 comment:

  1. Eric 205-83 #35
    Lizzie 103 - 100 #26/2:42Dubs
    Caruso 235 - 100 #26/3:15Mix
    Rebecca 140 - 58 #36/1:03SU
    Sharon 125 - 60 #35/2:08SU

    I wrote the dub/single wrong on the board. So 9 am did 100 dubs/singles for time after the 1 min rest.

    Jessica A. 103 - 76 #26/111SU
    Laura A. 143 - 110RX/7RX (Rope Broke)
    Josh B. 295 - 120RX/21RX
    Jonathan P. 265- 95RX/91SU
    Alona 165 - 114RX/125SU
    Cline 190 - 108 #35/46RX
    Jen S. 105 - 91RX/126SU
    Mark R. 245
    Mark C. 234PR - 100SC/100SU
    Joe G. 245 - 78SC/122SU
    Jill A. 215 - 100RX/23RX
