
W.O.D. 3.16.15

This is how the 7AM dudes warm up!

4 Rounds of: 
4 min AMRAP of: 
20 Calorie Row 
15 Push Press  (95/135#)
10 Push-ups
2 minute rest between rounds

Record total reps. Each round starts back at the 4 minute AMRAP.

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."
- Christian D. Larson


  1. King 238 sc
    Nicole 199 Sc
    Pat 292 sc
    Mike S 228 25# DB
    Balmer 280 RX
    Jeff B 255 rx

    Ninja Pete 247 115#
    Joe C. 185 115#
    Rich A 233 rx
    Jon P 264 rx

  2. Barb 209 (53#)
    Diane 197 rx
    DC 165 (83#)
    Eileen 168 35#
    Jill A 164 rx
    Jackie 164 (rom P 95#)
    Manisha 186 (45#)
    Jonathan 249 (100#)
    Jill H 93 (55#)

  3. Express
    Pam 205 (85)
    Joe g 175 (105)
    Denise 192 (63/snake)
    Erik 197 (65)
    Erika 183 (43/incline)

  4. 3:30-6:30...CFKoP happenings...
    Jonathan 15.3-scaled 968- for fun
    Lauren 220 (45#)
    Erik F 242 (55#)
    JZ 214 (65#)
    Ly 223 (45#)
    Rebecca 190 (45#)
    Justin R 169 (115/135)
    Roman 218 (115#)
    Mike Fab 204 rx
    Laura A 185 (65/75)
    Keith 15.3 297 rx
    Brian 214 (75)
    Tim H 203 (95)
    Brian S 200 (95)
    Jason I 15.3 157 rx
    Chris (FLA) 282 95#
    Matt O 154 (95#)
    Jill C 169 (75)
    Patrick 215 (115)
    Shawna 152 (65)
    Giulia 15.3 546 scaled
    Leslie 151 (45)
    Alona 183 (75)
    Dana 178 (63#)
    Troy 120 (55#)
    Olan 194 rx
    Payne 207 (95#)
    Jen S 15.3 - 768 scaled
    Jen S 197 - 45#

  5. 6:30

    Rachel 232 snake
    Conn 218 95
    Shawn 195 75
    Dan G 242 95
    Jill W 274 35
    Derreck 191 Rx
    Cline 216 85
    Borden 248 95
    Stephanie 194 55
    Fayth 219 55
    Anne 210 55
    Matt B 155 Rx
