
W.O.D. 2.23.15

Sumo Deadlift 
Max Strict Pull-ups - Do one sets of max reps between each deadlift set

5 Rounds for time of: 
10 Burpees 
35 Double-Unders

"Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great."
-A League of Their Own


  1. 6am
    Nicole G 125#, 11:43 su
    Brian H 265#, 21:31 du att/su
    Theresa 85#, 10:04 su
    Kevin T 155#, 7:44 Rx
    Steve P 123#, 12:50su

    Pedro 205#, 7:19 su
    Luther 180#, 7:11 su
    King 225#, 6:14 Rx
    Jeff B 345#, 5:04 Rx
    Peter 305#, 4:26 Rx

  2. 9:30AM
    Darcy 143#, 39 (12:12 singles)
    Heather 65#, 19 band (12:15 singles)
    Jill A 205#, 10, (8:12 rx)
    alejandra 143 18 bnd (8:32 105su)
    Jackie 195 31 band (11:01 15 du)
    Pam 195 31 band (10:57 Rx)
    Eileen 65#, 20 band (11:37 15 DUA)
    Mark 265#, 18 (7:41 20 dus)
    Diane 205# :) (14:43 singles 105)
    Manisha 135#, 10 (11:52 Rx)
    David 130#, 30 (11:51 12 DU)
    Barb 185# :) (11:49 Singles)

  3. Luis, Patrick Steve Z---what size shirt are you for the open???

  4. Rich a 345, 50rx
    Denise 190, 40 grn bnd, 8:37 15du, 4rds

  5. Patrick wants a schmedium, don't let him fool you. #sunsoutgunsout

  6. 3:30/4:30/5:30
    Name, DL Max Weight, Pull-ups, Cash-out score
    Josh, 365, 39, 9:16 rx
    Jonathan 275, 31, 10:05 15 attempts
    Lauren 145, 28, 11:48 atteimpts
    Erik F 205, 10 band, 10:59
    Colton 165, 52, 8:40 sc
    Roman 285, 40, 9:32 rx
    Justin R 305, 21, 7:09 rx
    Anne B 113, 25, 9:56 Row
    Ly 153, 19, 9:27 15 du
    Jessica K 105, 19, 9:27 15 du
    Britt 133, 10, 9:30 su/du
    Joe C 255 26, 8:39 Rx
    Josh M 305, 27, 9:46 10 DUA
    Alona 195, 15, 13L13 sc
    Jill C 185, 5, 8:39 Rx
    Killa 210, 10, 6:56 Rx
    Jen S 85, 25 band, wod :)
    Ryan S 245, 49, 8:51 29 DU
    Jason I 265, 35, 9:57 rx
    Tim H 365, 4, 10:18 3rds su
    Patrick 295, 35, 10:50 Rx
    Jessica A 105, 8 RR 12:36 SU
    Sarah G 35#KB, 9, 11:13, 15 DU
    Giulia 185, 10, 7:20 RX
    Meg 143, 38 band, 10:13 5 DU
    Joe P 265, 34, 10:28, 15 du
    Dave N 305, 9, 14:22 Rx
    Taryn 205, 25, 12:46sc
    Laura 123, 13 band, 7:15 15 DUA

  7. The last photo clearly showing why i get gassed by 50 double unders. Probably my biggest thing that needs work. blah

  8. Ryan that's why I posted it for you to see....let's work in the rope cadence and a little lower jump next time you are in.

  9. 6:30

    Anne Bo 155 x 15:04 su
    Brian T 205, 18 10:11 dua
    Borden 315, 6 9:07 25dus
    Leslie 95, 12 15:51 10dua
    Matt B 295 38rr 11:20Rx
    Michal 145, 5 6:40 Rx
    Patrick L, 155 25 12:25 su
    Rachel 235, 8 8:03 Rx
    Stephanie C, 165 12:48 17dua
