
W.O.D. 2.22.15

3 Rounds of: 
1 x Max Unbroken Handstand Push-ups 
1 x Max Unbroken Pull-ups 
1 x Max Unbroken Ring Dips 
1 x Max Unbroken Hang Power Cleans (155/105) 
1 x Max Unbroken Push-ups 
1 x Max Unbroken Ring Rows 

 All sets are to be performed on the 2:00, with the first set of HSPU starting at 0:00 and the third set of Ring Rows starting at 34:00. 

Appropriate substitutions on this one include Wall Walks and Bands on the Pull-ups, Dips, and Push-ups. 

The following movement standards determine "Unbroken" sets... 

Handstand Push-ups - Set terminates when feet touch the ground. May rest anywhere, but preferably NOT with the head on the ground. 
Wall Walks - No more than a short pause on the ground between reps! 
Pull-ups - Set terminates when athlete lets go of the bar. 
Ring-Dips - Set terminates when athlete comes off of the rings. 
Hang Power Cleans - Set terminates when the bar is dropped. May ONLY rest with the bar at the shoulders. 
Push-ups - Set terminates when plank position is broken, including raising the hips into the air. 
May ONLY rest in the plank position with arms extended, NOT on the ground. 
Ring Rows - Rings should be set at hip height and feet placed so that the heels are directly below the rings. Set terminates when "reverse plank" position is broken or athlete lets go of the rings.

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it."
-Salvador Dali

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Fayth 234
    Jamil 45(I think this is just total of best rounds)
    Kevin (drop-in R5) did work!
    Laura 250 Rx Took the top spot on the board for push-ups with 49!!!
    Patrick 197 Rx
    Rebecca 185
    Stephanie 188


    Colton 218
    Jessica 195
    Josh Mc 174 115
    Jill A 193 Rx Took 3rd place on the board for pull-ups with 27 unbroken!!!
    Matt (AL) 141
    Scott 177
