
W.O.D. 2.16.15

 Mike T. on Muscle-ups!
Congrats to Cate for taking the top spot on the board for Isabel today---2:58 

 Rich makes it to the Rings for 4 Muscle UPs...

 Jessie on Toes to Bar
Wallballs--Roman and Josh (nice shorts Roman!)
Jill C---Google Master!

"Open 14.4"

AMRAP in 14 Minutes of:
Row 60 kCals
50 Toes-2-Bar
40 Wall Balls (14/20# to 9/10ft)
30 Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Muscle-ups

Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.
– Theodore Roosevelt


  1. Pete 182 JMU
    Luther 153 rom 14#/75#
    Erika 160 rom 63#

  2. Theresa 158 (45#, 12#wb)
    Justin R 180 Rx
    Nick C 173 Rx

  3. Cline 145 attempts t2b (18#)
    Mike T 189 Rx
    Gina 82 Rx + 26 scaled (PR!)
    Brian H 150 (attempts T2B) 16# WB
    Jill H 102 (toes to eyes)
    Manisha 122 (attempts #10WB)
    Steph C 150 (10#WB)
    Jackie 89 Rx
    Anne B 110 (t2bswings)
    Jeff 175 Rx
    Lizzie 161 (10/14#) MBC
    Diane 95 rx PR! (+26 more than last year!)

  4. Where's the penis aimee? I was proud of your skills this morning!

  5. ^
    (( ))
    DIANE, my own creation for you....Happy Birthday!

  6. 3:30/4:30/5:30
    Troy 149 (10 t2b attempts)
    Rich 184 Rx PR!
    Jonathan 167 rx
    Josh 167 rx
    Lauren 161 (10/75)
    Erik 160 18/45#
    Joe G 147 (14/t2b attempts)
    Roman 165 Rx
    Sarah 151 (t2b attempts 10#)
    Jessie 160 12#/73#
    Giulia 165 Rx PR!
    Britt 158 83#
    Carleena 153/8# (t2b attempts)
    Josh P 155 sc
    Anne B 156 156 (8#)
    Carmen 132 (14#)
    Jason I 149 Rx
    JIll 101 Rx
    Joe P 156 Rx
    Alejandra 132 (t2b attempts 10#)

  7. 6:30

    Alona 145 romT2B
    Borden 161 Rx
    Conn 164 Rx
    Dave N 154 Rx HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    JEN S 138 ROMt2b 12#
    Luis 160 ROMt2b
    Mark R 157 Rx
    Seshu 158 Rx

  8. King 177 rx
    Shawna 127 rx
    Pam 119 rx romT2B
    Dana 153 rx
    Dianne 143 SC
