
W.O.D. 1.25.15

Congratulations to our lifters who competed at the Frank Spellman Classic! Jocelyn went 6 for 6 with new PR's in both lifts and a silver medal, Jovina did the same and got a gold medal, and Sarah PRed her clean and jerk, got a gold medal and qualified for masters nationals in April. 

Take 20 Minutes to get to your working 1RM
Clean + Double Jerk

Accessory Work 
 "Core Carousel"

 3 Rounds of:
1:00 Plank (add weight if possible)
0:30 Rest
1:00 KB Farmer Carry (choose a heavy KB or DB)
0:30 Rest
1:00 AB Mat Sit-up
0:30 Rest

 Athletes can start at any of the stations (including the "rest" stations) and rotate through the movements as necessary.

Community Note:
Please meet and park at the Annex, 110C, DeKalb for all classes today. 

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
-Zig Ziglar


  1. 9:00

    Brian H 185


    Faythe 105
    Jessie 110
    Anne 90
    Stephanie 90
    Rebecca 65
    Lauren 65
    Cline 145
    Ryan A 185
    Rachel W 155
    Josh 195
    Jonathan 195
    Rich A 210

  2. I have about 30 squares left in a Super Bowl squares games. The cost is 10 dollars a square. Is anyone interested?
