
W.O.D. 12.11.14

Front Squat

*Working sets should be at 75% or above 

Cash out:
"Clean it up"
AMRAP in 7:
7 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
7 GHD Sit-Ups

Community Notes:
Join Tori on Saturday 12/13 from 11:00AM-12:00PM for a Special Yoga class.
Yoga will count as a regular class or $15 drop in for non-members.

"In the dim background of our mind, we know what we ought to be doing but somehow we cannot start." 
-William James


  1. 6/7am
    Balmer 245, 9 rounds Rx
    Justin R 200, 8 Rx
    Nick C 215, 8 Rx
    Josh M 205, 7(95#)
    Chet C 185, 6(95)
    Jon Pist. 235, 8rx

  2. Small but mighty 9:30 AM class
    Jill 103, 6 rds (73#)
    Alejandra 93 (PR!), 6rds (45#)
    Manisha 73, 6 (53#)
    Fran 65, 6 (35#)

  3. 6:30

    Alona 125 7 Rx
    Dave N 215(220x4) 6 115

  4. express/4:30/5:30
    Eric 95, 8 Rds 65#
    Denise 135, 7 rds 53#
    Mariam 35#, 5 rds 15#ab mat
    John M 155, 5 rds (125#)
    Ly 123 5 rds 55#
    Keith B 315 pr! (9 rds Rx)
    Arieanne 93, 4 rds 45#
    Tim H 215, 5 rds 135#
    Taryn 105, 4 rds 95#
    Marci 90, 4 rds (45#)
    Luke 215, 6 rds (95#)

  5. 100% on sign in's at the 5:30!! nice job!
