
Upcoming KoP Events and Programs

January 17th, 11AM - Nutrition Kick Off and Pot-luck--FREE for all members

Click here to sign up.

In 2015 CFKoP is getting serious about nutrition and performance. Join us on January 17th at 11:00AM (for measurements, baseline WoD) and at 12:00PM for the details/rules of the "Post Holiday Nutrition Challenge" and Pot-luck kick off (your final cheat day).

Performance Program 2.0, this kicks off on 1/19, A personalized 8 week Strength and Conditioning Program that will in the form of small group personal training. Sign up today, there are a few spots left.

Bridgeport Barbell Club, Developmental Session for CrossFitters looking to develop proficiency in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.

Fitness Kickstarter program for BRAND NEW members. ONLY $50 for 25 classes, get your friends started today. Starts in February.

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