
W.O.D. 11.6.14

 Happy Birthday Cate!

 Welcome Erika!

Snatch Complex 
Take 20 minutes to complete a 1 RM of the complex:
Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats


 "1/2 Karen" 
75 Wallballs for time (14/20#) to 9/10 ft target

Community Notes:
Don't forget to mark your calendars for a SPECIAL Boot Camp at 9:00AM with Aimee on Saturday 11/8 in the Annex.

Schedule Updates:
Starting the week of 11/10 we will be adding a 6:30PM CrossFit Class on Thursday and Friday. Aimee will also be taking over the 5:30PM classes on Monday/Thursday.

The only job where you start at the top, is digging a hole. 
 - Anonymous


  1. 6/7am

    Gina 75#, 3:05 (10#wb)
    Josh 115#, 4:33 Rx
    King 135#, 3:25 Rx
    Farah 73#, 3:07 Rx
    Pete 145#, 3:07 Rx
    Rich A 155#, 2:48 Rx

  2. Jill a 95# 4:04 14#
    Mark r 115# 3:22 rx
    Steph V 110#
    Manisha 50# 4:23 10#

  3. Ladies Lunch
    Pam 93 PR- 2:58 RX (39 weeks)
    Erika 40# 5:36 10#
    Tori 55# 4:30 10#

  4. 5:30

    Shawna 75 PR 5:07 Rx
    Stephanie 70 3:37 10
    Jessie 70 3:32 12
    Karen 50 4:25 8
    Taryn 115(clean+2FS) 4:28 goblet squats
    Arieanne 65 4:21 12
    Josh P 125 3:57 Rx
    Dave N 160 4:30 Rx
    Jon P 135 2:48 Rx
    Rebecca 35 4:35 8
    Ryan S 135 3:57 14
    Alona 85 4:11 Rx

  5. 4:30PM
    Ly 65# 3:13 10#
    Eric 65# (form OHS) 4:03 14#
    Liza 55# (form OHS) 6:06 Rx
    *nice job on the Rx Liza---fastest lift in town!
    Marcus 95# 3:18 Rx
    Keith 305# - 3:19 Rx
    John 115# - 5:37 (Rx?--I forgot to ask)
    Marci 61# PR!!! 6:03 10# to 8 ish ft
