
W.O.D. 11.17.14

Happy Birthday Ryan!
Georgy from Belgium 

6 Rounds for time of:
9 Power Cleans (125/185#)
9 2 fer Wallballs *
9 GHD Sit-ups
rest 2:00 Minutes

Coaches notes:
*The scale here should be a lighter wall ball (NOT regular wall balls).
To get your time subtract the rest from your total score. 

Community Notes:
Click here to register for the next Level 1 Seminar at CrossFit King of Prussia.

Don't forget to register and sign up at the box for our Outdoor Adventure WOD this weekend 11/23, with coach Mel. Click here for more information.
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. 
~Steve Jobs


  1. Rich A. 13:35 #185/#20WB
    Pete W. 12:49 #155/#20WB
    Farah 12:04 #95/#6WB
    Alex L. 11:40 #70Atlas/#14WB

  2. 9:30 AM
    Barb 14:20 75#/6#
    Ryan 15:00 135#/12#
    Lisa 11:59 sc/65#
    Manisha 15:12 60/55#/6#
    Alejandra 10:14 55#/6#
    Alona 19:39 100#/12#
    Jen S 20:09 45#/4#
    Jill A 11:45 100/8#
    Jackie 12:45 95#8# rom ghd
    Jill H 16:02 75#/6
    Georgy 15:29 115#/6#
    Darcy 12:00 63/4#
    Tatiana 8:11 sc 35#/6#

  3. Express
    Erika l 10:11 53/8#/abm
    Denise 9:33 73hng/5twofers8#/romghd

  4. 5:30 Mobility

    Justin R


    Jerry 12:57 135#
    Conn 14:33 125#
    Jen F 16:46 55#/6#
    Joe P 16:00 125# /14#
    Michal 18:13 85#/74#/10#
    Steph C 16:52 70#/83
    Rachel W. 17:32 RX

  5. 3:30/4:30/5:30PM
    John 17:24 135#/14#
    Joy 14:55 83#/8#/AB
    Josh 15:14 115#/14#/AB

    Olan 17:36 135#/20#/AB
    Justin R 17:34 175#/20#GHD
    Regi 18:01 125/115/105 12# GHD
    Ly 12:50 65/10#
    Eric 14:27 75#/10#
    Roman 16:07 155#/20#
    Rebecca 13:02 45/6#

    Jason I 14:29 145#/20# ab
    Tim H 17:25 135#/14
    Luke 4 rds scale :)
    Jill C 14:29 75/10#
    Kevin 13:11 14/115#
    Jordan 12:18 95#/20#
