
W.O.D. 11.10.14

 Hi Miles!

AMRAP in 7 minutes: 
Sets of 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 Unbroken Double-Unders*

*Must stop and re-start after each set. If you mess up mid-set, you must re-start that set at 1. Your score is total reps completed in the 7 minutes.

3 Rounds for time of: 
Run 400m 
21 Push-ups 
7 Snatch (75/115#)

Community Notes:
The lunchtime express class starts today from 12:15-1:00PM. See you there!

"If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission." 


  1. 6/7am

    Rich A 45s on the descending=320reps, 10:31 Rx
    Jason L 50 =275reps, 13:23 95#
    Gina 25s=75reps, 11:41 56# scpu
    Pat P 5att, 12:58 75#
    Justin D 10, 14:23 45#
    Farah 25s=75reps, 11:26 48#
    Mike C 5att, 16:31 65#
    Joe C 35s=140reps, 14:01 105#
    Peter 40 on descending =360reps, 11:02 Rx
    King 35s=140, 10:52 Rx

  2. 9:30AM
    Mark R (15) DU 13:35#95
    Alejandra (13 total) 12:56 35#
    Jill A (15) 15:08 Rx
    Jackie (5) 15:03 ROM PU
    Manisha (5) 13:31 40#
    Diane (27 total) 17:52 Rx
    Alison K 105 reps 12:26 Rx
    Beth R (1) -first du 17:29 11#
    Jonathan (105 reps) 11:29 65#
    Darcy SU practice 15:30 45#
    Barb SU - 13:53 53/Airdyne

  3. 5:30 Mobility

    John M
    Justin R
    Kate F


    Michal 20 (50 reps) 12:50 #60
    Rachel W. SU/DU 13:17
    Matt B. 25 DU 15:45 RX
    Matt E 10 DU 16:32 #105
    Steph C 1 DU 14:47 #60
    Conn 118 12:47 #85
    Josh 2 DU 16:40 #95
    Dave S 5 11:57 #95
    Dave N ??

  4. 3:30/4:30/5:30PM
    Joy 140 reps (13:24 35#HPS)
    Josh 5 reps (13:26 65#)

    Regi 30 reps 12:48 rx
    Ly (5) (oops she forgot to look at the time)
    Mr. Intensity 30 total (14:55 110#)
    Justin R 140 reps 12:30 PU ROM
    Ryan 75 reps 14:10 rx
    JZ 30 (12:02 75#)
    Kate F (15) 15:27 45#
    Rebecca (1) 14:08 35# (1st DU)
    Tim P (140 reps in 3.5 mins) 9:09 @75#
    Eric (3 DU) 16:17 65#

    Patrick 105 reps 11:51 rx
    Shawna 17 total (15:40 55#)
    Kevin (5) 12:29 75#
    Jen S (49 total) 13:05 35#
    Alona (75) 14:47 65#
    Tim H (20 total & first ever!!) 13:35 HPS 75#
    Jason I 220 11:48 Rx
    Josh P 180 15:25 85#

    HUGE shout to Tim H who got his 1st DU in 4 years of CrossFitting...and then got 19 more!
