
W.O.D. 10.7.14

3 Rounds for time of:
5 Muscle Ups
10 Squat Cleans (95/135#)
20 Box Jumps (20/24")

Community Notes:
DON'T FORGET...Dr Turner is joining us for a special mobility workshop tonight at 6:30PM. This is FREE for Members and Friends!

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. 
– Helen Keller


  1. If a creative person steals your idea, he’s killing his creative ability, if he steals your art, he’s killing his art, if he makes it available to the world, it won't create the impact you could have created, because it wasn’t from the right source.

  2. We are all met with difficulties, struggles, challenges and the like. These situations are are meant to not only test you, but build you. When you are comfortable with you and have begun to develop a solid level of self esteem, not just self confidence, life begins to take a whole new meaning. This is were the rewards begin to showup and the fruits of your labors really begin to payoff. Because it's not just the world and everything in it that's different, it's you that's changed. This journey, this process, this life is all abuot you and the person you are, are becoming and ultimately will be. Ask yourself are you happy with where you are going, who you are and the legacy you will leave behind. If the answer is 'NO' then there is no time like the present to start making the change.

  3. Alona 15:22 #75 RR Dip
    King 11:40 PU Dip
    Pete 11:22 PU Dip
    Chris 15:45 #75 RR Dip
    Mike S. 17:29 #75 RR Dip
    Gina 13:00 #65 RR Dip
    Mark R. 13:22 #95 RR Dip
    Josh 16:03 #95 PU Dip
    John 14:14 1MU/PU Dip

    Everyone had different scales depending on ability and what they needed to work on. Most did 2 to 1 RR/PU and Dip focusing on false grip and form.

  4. Diane 10:42 Pwr RR Dip Step
    Christ 11:40 #53 RR Dip Step
    Kara 12:38 #63 RR Dip Step
    Jonathan 10:12 #95 RR Dip
    Barb 13:42 #65 RR Dip Step
    Rich P. 11:45 #95 RR Parr
    Rich A. 11:23 RX
    Tatiana 9:54 #35 RR Dip

  5. 4:30

    Anne Br 13:34 step/rr/dipband
    Giules 15:58 MUT
    JZ 14:29 95 RR/dip
    Justin 15:54 PU/dipband
    Liza 13:05 55 RR/dipband


    Bill :(~
    Jeff 15:45 PU/dipband

  6. 7:30

    Dave N 23;22 135#/pu dip
    Fayth 17:07 #55/ band/dips/. step ups
    Michal 20:08 75# dips w/band
    Rachel 18:34 95#/RR & dips w/band
    Steph C 17:34 #55 dips w/band
    Jess Ssss 14:55 #58/dipw/band

  7. 530pm
    Keith 12:51 Rx
    Tim M 11:06 Rx
    Shawna 13:20 (75)
    Seshu 12:20 (115,
    Josh 13:42 (65)
    Jen Solt 11:08 (35#,13")
    Alejandra 11:12 (45#, 20")
    Ryan An 14:30 (115, dips)
    Eric 12:46 scale
    Ly 13:30
    Marci ??
