
W.O.D. 10.6.14

Clean and Jerk


Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes
1 Clean and 2 Split Jerks
...build in weight
...score is total weight

here are the rules:
You must go up after a successful weight, you cannot stay the same
If you fail at a weight retry or go down the next minute
Unlimited attempts are allowed within the minute
Minimum 5# jumps
Bar cannot touch the ground between jerks

“Live simply so others may simply live.” 
 ― Mother Teresa


  1. Ellie 165/95
    Justin 105/95
    Brian H. 165/155

    Solid work and great progress on the split jerk.

    Mike T.

  2. 7 AM

    Pete 195#/190
    King 195#/165
    Mark C 200# PR!/190
    Alex 155#/135

    Saw a lot of solid form and technique on the Jerks! Guys work on those Cleans though, remember to USE those hips. It's an issue that I have challenges with as well.

  3. 9:30AM
    Jen L 105# PR
    Nick Z 170#/145
    Jackie 135#
    Kara 83#
    Alejandra 75#
    Jill A 125#
    Jill H 95#
    Manisha 70#

    Stay upright in that dip and drive the knees forward and out. It will help with the Jerk!

    Nice job 9:30 crew! We didn't (except Nick) records the weight we ended with.

  4. 5:30 Mobility

    Kate F
    Ryan A
    Justin R

    Remember that tomorrow Dr. Turner is going to be holding a mobility seminar during the 6:30 mobility class. Attending this class is a MUST if you desire to continue to improve and stay healthy throughout your life and CrossFit career

  5. 5:30

    Alona 110/100
    Shawna 95/100(Clean+1 Jerk)PR
    Jill C 110/100
    Jason I 175/165
    Denise W 93/80
    Anne B 60/60
    Josh P 180/155
    Melissa M 93/108
    Joe P 180/150


    Conn 185/150
    Derreck 210!/190
    Luke 175/175
    Matt B 225/180
    Ryan A 210!/ :-)

  6. 3:30
    Giulia 145#/115#
    Josh M 125#/135#
    Pam 103/108#
    Justin R 215/195
    Regi 135 PR/ 115#
    Rebecca 70/85#
    Kate F 106 PR/100
    Keith B 245
    John Mcc 175PR/145
