
W.O.D. 10.3.14

Kim G and Pam G--both due in November

For time:
100 Double Unders
30 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)
100 Double Unders

Community Notes:
  Click here to sign up for our FREE "Surprise" Birthday WoD on Saturday at 9/10AM. Bring your Friends and Family too!

"You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it." 
-Lionel Messi


  1. The only sure way to fail is to quit.

  2. 6am
    Gina 9:59 65#
    Justin 14:55 53#su
    Brian h 12:26 105# 50du

  3. 7am
    Alex l 12:25 115/50du
    Mark 11:12 500m row/135
    Nick c 14:05 rx
    Peter 7:48 rx

  4. 9:30 AM
    Rich 14:47 65# 50DUA
    Jill 14:16 70# 50 DUA
    Jackie 13:05 75# 50 DUA
    Manisha 14:15 45#
    Chris T 12:27 58# 50 DUA
    Fran 14:37 35#/25 DUA
    Kara 11:35 Row 53#
    Kate 15:00 53# 50 DUA
    Alona 15:08 75#
    Bre G 14:45 50# 50 DUA

  5. 12:00 Pregnant ladies and Jen!!
    Kim G 14:40 65# (50 DUA)
    Pam G 12:47 75# (50 DUA)
    Jen S 17:12 35#/ 25 DUA

  6. 3:30

    Justin 9:20 RX
    Jess Ssss 12:24 #68
    Josh 13:12 #95


    Anne 12:22 #40 Row/Sit-ups
    Kate K 8:26RX
    Jill A 11:09 #85/DUA
    LP 8:15 RX
    Patrick 13:30 RX
    Fab 12:35 RX
    Josh 8:37 RX
    Samson 11:27 #95

  7. Fayth 7:20 #55 su
    Matt 12:25 su
    Lizzie 9:12 #55
    Jill 7:03 #65 su
    Steph C. 6:29 #65 su
    Alison 12:ish #65
    Dana 11:33 #65 su

    Great work tonight 530. Remember, We want to keep the stimulus of the workouts if we are scaling. Just because you did the workout in 7-10 min does not mean you did not work as hard. In fact, you should have worked harder and faster. You will have plenty of 20+min workouts in the future.

    Wolverine is coming...
