
W.O.D. 10.2.14

We have been working hard on our Front and Back Squats for two months.  Today is the day to re-test the Back Squat. You are welcome to come to any open strength class this week to re-test too!

Work up to and post a new 1 RM Back Squat

Compare to (8.4.14)

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” 
 ― Mother Teresa


  1. Drop the "I'm a victim, come rescue me mentality". Remember that this is YOUR life, your responsibility, YOUR STORY. Find a way to show up and be your own hero. It's draining on you and everyone else around you to hear you complain about how bad it is, what happened, or the newest latest and greatest drama. Being a victim simply is NOT sexy. Stand up, empower yourself, be a Victor, go from zero to hero, and be TRIUMPHANT!

  2. Congratulations King!!! Well deserved. You are an animal! Miss working out with you!

  3. 7am
    Chet 215
    Peter W 265

    Jill A 230
    Jonathan 235 PR
    Diane 300
    Christine 193 PR
    Manisha 90 PR
    Katie form 73
    Fran 90
    Alejandra 123 PR

  4. 5:30

    Flounder 255 PR
    Josh P 245 PR
    Matt B 315 PR
    Shawna 155

  5. 4:30 PM---PR city
    We all set goals and reached them or exceeded them.
    Justin 260 PR
    Kate F 123 PR
    Anne 103 PR
    Regi 215 PR
    Liza 140PR
    Josh 255 PR
    Tim Mcc 335
    Keith 365
