
W.O.D. 10.11.14

"The Basics"
For time: 
25 Squats 
 25 Push-ups 
25 Pull-ups 
25 Sit-ups 
50 Squats 
50 Push-ups 
50 Pull-ups 
50 Sit-ups 
75 Squats 
75 Push-ups 
75 Pull-ups 
75 Sit-ups

Community Notes:
ALL Weekend Classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb). Meet and park at the Annex for all classes. There will be NO CrossFit Kids "Cubs" Class today. 

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
– Mahatma Gandhi


  1. Just tried to sign in on mind body but the screen was so tiny I couldn't read it. Anyone else having this issue or is it just my iPad acting up?

  2. Same here. I believe it has to do with iOS 8

  3. And they say there's a Heaven, For those who will wait. Some say it's better, But I say it ain't! I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

  4. Sue 34:50 scale
    Jeff 33:00 scale
    Dana 33:00 scale
    Flounder 40 min cap

    Jen s. 26:52 scale
    Keith 32:14 rX
    Steph 32:52 scale
    Alona 37:53 scale
    Patrick 39:18 rX
    Mike c. 38:42 scale
    Bill 38:00 rom
    Candy 36:23 scale
    Kathleen 40 min cap
    Emery Puke
