
W.O.D. 9.8.14

Front Squat:
1x5 @60% of your 1RM
1x5 @65% of your 1RM
1x5 @70% of your 1RM
1x5 @70% of your 1RM

1000 Meter Row
50 Thrusters (45#bar)
30 Pull-ups

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." -Steve Jobs


  1. You will notice that when you find your true passion that you will not have to push or force yourself to do things. You will almost be 'pulled' to do them!

  2. 6/7 am

    Jason L 185-195-215, 10:22 Rx
    Ryan 135-145-155, 12:41 Rx
    King 135-145-155, 8:09 Rx
    Pat 135-155-175, 12:!3 grn band
    Gina 13:15 Rx
    Pete 140-155-170, 7:58 Rx
    Jon P 125-135-165(box), 6:52(25s)
    Alex P 115-135-145-155, 9:42 Rx

  3. 9:30AM
    Mark C 170 10:55 Rx
    Darcy 87 12:40 15#/band
    Kara 73 12:03 33#band
    Chris T 73 12:25 53/band
    Jill H 75 13:01 33# band
    Jill A 130 13:12 Rx
    Diane 170 10:59 band
    Bre G 75 11:20 20#DB/RR
    Jackie 110 11:33 33 band
    Jonathan 180 10:17 band

  4. 5:30 Mobility


    Today we focused on partner smashing. Especially focusing on glutes, calves, bi's and tri's. Ouch... in a good way!

  5. 5:30

    Mike C 175 14:45 band
    Derreck F 165 11:23 Rx
    Ryan S 165 10:10Rx
    Jill C 105 12:59 band
    Shawna P 85 17:xx band
    Jason I 165 11:22 Rx
    Dana D 85 12:06 Rx
    Josh P 155 11:02 Rx


    Matt B 165 11:41 Rx
    Stephanie C 75 13:15 band 35#
    Conn 165 10:51 Rx
    Rachel W 140 13:17 Rx
    Michal K-B 95 13:50 band

  6. Denise 103/14:33 33# band
    Joe G 165/ 13:58 band
    Marci 80/12:21 15#
    Keith 215/ 8:09 Rx
    Justin 175/10:05 Rx
    JZ 130 12:52 Rx
    Roman 175# 9:54 Rx
    Alona 105/ 13:13 band
    Alejandra 55# 12:40 15#
    Regi 125/ 12:36 rx
    Melissa 113/12:43 33#band
    Jen S 55 13:14 33# band
