
W.O.D. 9.3.14

"Air Force WOD"
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats

Each minute on the minute, complete 4 burpees no matter what repetition you are on.

 Men’s rx = 95, Women’s rx = 65

(compare to 9.17.12)

Community Notes:
Don't forget about the EARLY morning Open Strength Session tomorrow from 6:30-8:00AM.

Please join us for our END OF SUMMER PARTY on Friday at 5:30PM for WOD and social event following. FREE for members and Friends, all friends will receive free fundamentals and a free week of unlimited membership. Don't forget to buy some raffle tickets today!


“A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.” 
 ― Albert Einstein


  1. Don't waste your time thinking about the things you don't want to happen. It's almost like you're wishing them into exixtence. Instead spend time thinking about the things that you do want to happen. You will notice also that there's certain feeling that circle both thought patterns. Do you want to feel bad or feel good? It really is that simple!

  2. Fugo 11:35 Mod
    Jen S. 10:32 (Back for a visit!)
    Jackie 12:46 #55
    Diane 7:57 RX
    Darcy 11:28 #15
    Jill H. 12:39 #35
    Barb 11:38 #40
    Aimee 5:47 RX
    Jessie 11:47 #48
    Bre 11:59 #35
    Christine 14:30 #35

  3. 12n
    Eric 14:40 45/15OHS
    Pam 10:40 53
    Alex F 14:47 75/45OHS

  4. the compare link from 2012 is posted...


  5. 430pm
    Shawn 9:48 65#
    Chris (drop in) 12:43 RX
    Regi 9:56 RX
    Liza 10:52, 35#/15# OHS
    Sharon DNF
    George 20:00 45#

    Jill C 12:47, 45#
    Jen Solt 12:55, 45#/15# OHS
    Ryan B 6:58 RX

  6. 6:30

    Conn 14:43 75#
    Michal 15:55 45#
    Rachel 14:48 Rx
    Jeff B 12:56 RX (75# OHS)
    Alona 11:58 55#
    Derreck ??
    Matt E ??
    Sarah S 14:54 55/35#
    Steph C 14:59 45#/35#
    Dave N 12:56 Rx
    Alli 13:42 RX


    Sue K 12:40 35#

    Welcome Alli to your first 7:30 class! It is a pleasure meeting you and I am looking forward to coaching with you, great job leading 7:30 through a cooldown and stretch! Excellent hustle tonight everyone, I know this workout was a burner!

    Sue thank you for hanging out for a PT this evening and CRUSHING it!
