
W.O.D. 9.30.14

We have been working hard on our Front and Back Squats for two months.  Today is the day to re-test the Front Squat.  We will retest Back Squat on Thursday. You are welcome to come to any open strength class this week to re-test too!

Work up to and post a new 1 RM Front Squat

Compare to (9.8.14)

Community Notes:
Join us on Saturday at 9/10AM for our Surprise Birthday WOD, friends and family are welcome.  This is a FREE workout.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” 
 ― Mother Teresa


  1. Your mind will not allow you to do something that it already decided against. So if you decided that you can't do double-unders (for example) until you start seeing yourself doing them in your minds eye and beleiving that you're already capable, than you never will. Beleive it, like you already are doing it!

  2. 6/
    Ellie 140 PR
    Justin 235 PR
    Pete 235 PR
    Mike S. 160 PR

    Good start to the test day, 4 tests, 4 PR's.

    Take your time in between sets, 2-3 minutes.. maybe even more once you get to the 85%+ range.... Figure out what kind of rep scheme you want to do to attempt a PR. Your trainer will be able to help you if you are unfamiliar or need help.

  3. I'm posting today bc I'm not sure most people will look at yesterday's blog, but I wanted to say THANK YOU to yesterday's 4:30 and 5:30 for getting my through my first wod back in a loooong time. I'm hurting today but it hurts so good.

  4. 930/
    Tim Mcc. 275
    Mark R. 215 PR
    Diane 245 PR
    Nick Z. 225 PR
    Rich P. 215 PR
    Jill H. 115 PR
    Jackie 170 Post Baby PR
    Christ 120 PR
    Barb 130 PR
    Kara 120 PR
    Bre G. 125 PR
    Jonathan 305 PR

    PR City

  5. haha Paul... I got 135. robbing me of those 10 pounds!

  6. Haha SHIT! I took the picture before we changed it.

  7. 100 burpees tomorrow morning for you.

  8. haha Paul - Bre just put the challenge out there. The 3:30 Friday class saw you demo the burpee, we know you can do it!
    Kudos on these PR's so far. I cannot wait to see what the evening classes have in store!

  9. Keith: 355 (bum knee and only 15 off PR)
    Roman: 200 PR
    Nicole K: 135 PR
    Liza: 135 PR
    Giuls: 145
    Regi: 175 PR
    JZ: 200 PR
    Kate F: 95 PR
    Flounder: 205 PR
    Tim H: 265 PR
    Anne B: 83 PR
    Shauna: 120

    LOTS of PR's today. If you did not get one, there are many reasons that you did not. Do not focus on it and just prepare for the next time you are in the gym. The longer you have been at this, the harder it is to PR and there are times when I put an extra set of clips on the bar just to try to get more weight. Dig deep, train hard, move weight. You are did great today.

  10. 6:30 Mobility



    Michal 125 PR
    Nick C 245 PR
    Steph C 110 PR
    Dave S 235 PR

    Way to keep the PR train rolling evening classes!
