
W.O.D. 10.1.14

3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 Sumo deadlift high pulls (55/75#)
12 Burpees, jumping over the barbell

Community Notes:
Don't forget about Tim's running clinic at 6:30PM tonight!

“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” 
 ― Mother Teresa


  1. Start at the end! What I mean by that is when you sit down to create your goal list, picture your end goal in mind. Then begin to take the appropriate course of action and ask yourself all the while if what your doing is moving you closer or further away from your goal.

  2. Mike S: 17:17 Rx
    Justin: 21:05 (65#)
    Jill: 13:33 Rx
    Chris L: 2 rds (sickie)

    Great morning class. Good energy and I was exceptionally pleased with the improvement in opening your hips aggressively. Great efforts all around. We need to use Jill as the rabbit next time. She owned this.

  3. Pam 13:23 55#kb/ burpee onto 45 plate

  4. 430

    Regi 13:35. 124# sumo do 15/round
    Justin 11:40 rx
    Jason 11:43 rx
    Candy 14:52 rx (first rx'd wod!!)
    Bill 13:15 rx
    Ryan 12:20 rx
    Matt 14:24 rx
    Liza 13:40 45#
    JZ 12:13, 65#
    Troy 16:20 rx


  5. 530

    Joe p 13:57. 65#
    Patrick 12:50 rx
    Seshu 14:13 rx
    Torres z13:50 rx
    Karen 13:29, 35#
    Marci 14:33, 35#, row, sit-ups


  6. 6:30

    Conn 13:03 #65
    Matt E 16:13 RX
    Ryan A 18:01 RX
    Jeff B 11:24 RX
    Nick C 12:30 rX
    Dave N 14:15 RX
    Alona 13:55 RX
    Jess Ssss 13:06 #40
    Dave S 14:10 RX


    Steph C 15;30 #45
    Fayth 16:42 RX
