
W.O.D. 9.15.14

welcome George...
and welcome Josh!

5 Rounds for time of:
2 Rope Climbs (15ft)
10 Deadlifts (185/275#)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
-Christopher Reeve


  1. 6 am
    Gina 9:57 115#
    Brian H 12:22 240#
    Chris L 11:41 135#

    King 9:10 (bulb split squat)
    Alex 8:43 (145#)
    Peter 9:07 245#

    Mark R 12:58 185#
    Diane 8:34 155#, pulls attempts
    Mark C 14:00 225# 2 pulls
    Jill A 15:11 145#
    Darcy 10:41 95#
    Jackie 9:41 155#
    Bre G 8:05 85#/pulls attempts
    Renee 8:10 55#, pulls attempts
    Laura 8:49 155#

  2. For Shawna and Josh: http://aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

  3. 3:30
    George R 15:45 95# rope attempts
    Denise 11:52 115# attempts
    Justin R 15:20 225# 7 Rope climbs
    Josh M 16:24 95#/13ft climbs
    Sharon 13:05 135# attempts
    Christine 12:25 95# pulls
    Katie 15:59 75#

    Great having so many new faces in class! Welcome to George and Josh!

    Giulia 16:39 155#
    Tim Mcc 225#
    Kate F 14:33 83#
    Regi 15:55 115# attempts
    Joe G 13:20 155#
    Lauren G 12:40 85#
    Liza 9:55 90# attempts

    Liza and Joe -making some nice progress on the rope climbs!

  4. 5:30

    Shawna 14:36 125 1/2climbs
    Marci 14:49 105 RP
    Jill C 11:38 135 1/2climb
    Melissa 14:38 143 RP
    Jason I 13:47 225
    Ryan S 12:29 225
    Alona 14:30 145 1/2climb


    Bill 20:48 Rx
    Candi 19:11 125 1/2climb
    Rachel 15:29 RXish(climbs)
    Dave N 19:08 225
    Conn 9:40 185
    Derreck 13:55 225
    Stephanie C 13:10 125
    Nick C 13:00 185
