
W.O.D. 8.28.14

Front Squat
1x5 @60% of your 1RM
1x5 @70% of your 1RM
1x5 @75% of your 1RM
1x5 @75% of your 1RM

Cash out:
Max height Box Jump

Community Notes:
We will be running a special Boot Camp Class with Aimee on Saturday 8/30 at 9:00AM click here to sign up.

On Monday - Labor Day 9/1 we will host a 10:00AM CrossFit WoD with Aimee and an 11:30AM Strength Session with Keith. The 10AM session is a FREE workout for Friends and Family.

"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it."
-Jean de La Fontaine


  1. Stop living in your head and start living in your heart. Let your passion guide you!

  2. Chris L 33 1/2"
    Brian H 35"
    Peter 35"
    Alex L 35"
    Mark C 41 1/2"

  3. 9:30
    Ryan S 46" 165#
    Jackie 26" 110#
    Mark R 44" 205 1RM
    Diane 30" 175#
    Laura 33 1/2" form
    Allison 33 1/2" 108# 1RM

    nice job overcoming some fear on the box jumps gang!

  4. Nooner
    Kevin 37" 135#
    Keith (visit pitt) 37" 175#
    Denise 33" 133# 1RM
    Sharon 26" 123#
    Fran 13"50#
    Holly 30" 73# PR 1RM

  5. 4:30PM
    Jill 31"130#
    Roman 42" 165#
    King 42" 155
    Keith B 42" form 275
    Regi 37" 123

    (Regi takes a spot on the board with 37"!)

    Kyle B 53KB+20lb vest
    Michal 35" 95#
    Rachel 36" 150#
    Tim H 30" 185#
    Flounder 28" 130#
