
W.O.D. 7.8.14

Gymnastic Skill Focus:
Parallette Shoot Through and L-sit

Shoulder press

"Tobins' Tabata Tornado"
Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats (hold rest at the bottom) then immediately into a 1 mile run.

Coaches Notes:
Record total number of squats and total time for the one Mile run.

“ Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit. ”
— Hosea Ballou


 What --- a quick stop to "Frosty Falls" post WOD--busted!

 pre-wod snack...NOT Ice cream....twigs? 
Partner Boot Camp!


  1. Make no mistake time is of the essence. Time is the one resource that we will never get back. Make damn sure that don't waste it on anyone or anything that is not conducive to either leveraging your time or adding quality and value to the richness of life!

  2. 6:00

    Pete 115# 110 6:50
    King 125# 101 6:53
    Paul 92 1/2 64 9:36
    Brian 145# 73 9:40
    Jon P 145# 110 6:56
    Nick C 105# 100 7:13

  3. 12noon

    Mike (CrossfitQ) 115, 106, 7:57
    Pam 88, 100, 9:26

    Thanks for dropping in Mike!! Hope to see you again!

  4. 4:30pm
    Alex 110, 90 9:20mile
    Jill 75, 104 11:44mile
    Roman 135, 101 7:50mile
    Nick S 105, 90 8:17
    Keith 135, 8 mu, 30 rr, 8:45 row
    Sharon 90, 58 7:43 (800m)
    JZ 105, 81 8:29mile

  5. Alex: 110,90,9:20
    Jill: 75,104,11:44
    Roman: 135,101,7:50
    Nick: 105,90,8:17
    Keith: 135, 8mu30rr, 8:45 row
    Sharon: 90,58,7:43 (800)
    JZ: 105,81,8:29
    Matt H: 102.5,88,8:23
    Intensity: 110,75?,8:13
    Flounder: 125,77,10:46

    ALex: Great technique all around
    Jill: Your positioning is legit at all times
    Roman: Amazing run after those squats
    Nick: Kept the knees out today, great improvement
    Keith: 135 on one leg, nicey nice
    Sharon: Strong as all hell, keep it up
    JZ: Superb air squats throughout
    Matt: 1st time B2B and owning it
    Intensity: Going back to a weight to fail and succeeding is a beautiful thing
    Flounder: Getting stronger every time I see you.

  6. 6:30 Mobility

    Dave N
    Matt H
    Matt E

  7. Regi 75
    Anne 75, 72 2k Row 8:40
    Matt B. 155, 83, 8:38
    Sarah 35, 6:54 #800, 71
    Susan Form, 9:24, 9
    Jackie 75, 6:07 #800, 73
    Barb 80, 6:54 #800, 7
    Joe 135, 11:34, 65
    Rich 135, 12:39, 70
    Kara 53, Row 1,200, 7
    Christ 53, 5:40 #800, 7

  8. Jessie#53, 95, 7:40
    Steph C. 55, 82, 8:02
    Matt E. 145PR, 99, 7:02
    Rachel 85, 88, 7:03
    Michal 55, 92, 7:05

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