
W.O.D. 7.14.14

Gymnastics Skill Focus:
The Pistol (one legged squat)

20 min to work on shoulder strength with dumbbells
Press 3-3-3
Push press 3-3-3
Push jerk 3-3-3
*Increasing weight each movement, record highest weight for each set

Cash Out:
4 rounds for time of:
25 ft (6 mat lengths) shuttle run x 4
12 Kettlebell swings 70/55#
6 Burpees

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
–George Eliot


  1. Often times when we are just about to quit at something is when we are just about to break through. Just keep pushing through, success is just around the corner!

  2. 6am
    Bill 70,75,65
    King 55,65,60 4:21 wallball sub
    Jill C. 25,30,30 4:52 35#
    Ellie 26,30,35 4:57 35#

    Nice work on this steamy Monday morning! Way to push yourselves hard all the way through on the cash out.

  3. 7am:
    Matt 50/60/65 6:49 70# russian
    Pete 45/65/65 4:16 rx
    Jill 35/40:( 5:00 44#

  4. 9:30AM
    Matt65/70/70 - 6:05
    Joe 55/70/60 6:30 (70 russian)
    Darcy 25/35/40 6:08
    Jackie 35/40/45 5:56
    Chris 65/70/75 6:26
    Barb 35/40/45 5:31 (AirDyne)
    Fran 15/20/20 5:11
    Diane 45/50/50 6:31 Rx
    Becca 15/25/30 5:15

    Saw some awesome efforts on the DB presses and the intensity on the Cash out was great!

  5. Jessie 30/40/45 5:06 45#
    -Huge shout to Jessie who surprised herself with the 45#! you are stronger than you think lady! Keep up the good work!

  6. Ryan S: 35-50-55 (5:42 Rx)
    Justin R: 60-75-75 (5:09 Rx)
    Nick S: 50-50-55 (5:41 55rus)
    Keith: 65-80-x
    Roman: 55-65-65 (4:38 Rx)
    Anne B: 20-25-x (5:17 35rus)
    Arieanne: 25-35-35 (5:38 44rus)
    Fayth: 20-30-40 (5:16 55rus)
    Taryn: 35-45-x (6:30ish 45rus)
    Darren: 75-90-x (6:01 Rx)
    Ryan A: 75-85-85 (6:10 70rus)

    Samson: Surprised yourself with the weight, love it
    Justin R: Solid swings, excellent hustle
    Nick S: Loved how you went back down to master full extension...virtuosity
    Keith: Good job knowing when to stop
    Roman: Great job keeping the DB close to your center
    Anne: Proud of you for trying the jerk, it will come
    Arieanne: Great correction on the KBS
    Fayth: Loved having you in class again, great job working on your knees
    Taryn: Quickest change of direction today, well done
    Darren: Like lifting feathers man
    Ryan A: Loved the focus on detail and not increasing weight unless you were happy with your lift.

    All around an amazing class full of intensity and camaraderie. Loved how everyone was cheering each other on. Thank you!

  7. 5:30 Mobility

    Justin R
    John M
    Matt H

  8. 5:30

    Shawna 20/30/35 5:49 44 rus
    Erika 35/35/45 5:00 44 rus
    Joe P 50/55/65 6:15 70 rus
    Josh 45/50/60 5:31 70 rus
    Tim H 50/60/70 6:17 53 rus


    Kate F 20/30/30 7:16 44 rus
    Dave N 55/70/70 7:46 Rx
    Derreck 70/85/85 6:22 Rx
    Conn 50/70/70 6:29 Rx
    Nick C 45/65/70 5:55 Rx
