

Last Years Spirit of the games (court Jester) winners!!

As a way to get to know each other better, upon check in at the King an Queen of Prussia you will pick a name from a bucket (girls will be on pink and boys on green). This person will be your "hydration buddy" for the day. You don't need to spend the whole day with them but if you don't know who they are, find them...maybe warm up with them, find out what got them in the doors of CF KOP, what are their goals for the day/week/year, make sure they are staying hydrated with water during the event and beer afterwards....but most importantly have fun with it! We are a large community spanning many different interests, so today is a day to have fun and get to know each other inside the one thing we all have in common…Crossfit KOP!

...and don't forget we also award the court jester...our spirit awards for the male and female who exhibit the best camaraderie and spirit for the day.

1 comment:

  1. I apologize in advance to my hydration buddy. You have your work cut out for you.
