

6 years ago I left my career in retail to pursue a dream and desire to help people become fit and evolve into a better image of what they thought they could ever become.  I took a tiny class at the Fairmount Athletic Club and started teaching them the methodologies of CrossFit.  This small group of believers became my trusted friends who reached goals, got results and passed the word along to their friends...CrossFit King of Prussia in my mind started, June 24th 2008 at my first Level 1 Seminar. 

Since that day, CrossFit KoP has had a few makeovers and facelifts but our "why" is still the same...Through hard work and training and we have tracked results, learned what works, grown, succeeded and evolved into more than I could have imagined.  We now have a qualified staff of 12 trainers and we are more than just your typical CrossFit Gym.  We offer Strength Training, Olympic Lifting, CrossFit, Endurance, Boot Camp, Mobility and a New Competitors Class.  All of these things combined help our athletes reach their specific goals and help our athletes reach PR's on a regular basis.  We routinely mention these Personal Records in our comments on the blog (and have been for 6 years-check out the archives, they are pretty cool!) but, we still wanted to take some time to congratulate everyone on a job well done.  

Check out some recent strength gains and monthly highlights:
Faby 315 Jerk/ 245 Snatch
Shannon 80 Snatch
Tracy 95 Snatch
Miranda 157.5 Clean and Jerk
John M 135 Snatch/ 160 Clean and Jerk
Greg (15 years) 116 Clean and Jerk/88 Snatch
Jim 230 Snatch
Leslie 350 Deadlift/160 Bench/250 Deadlift/ 230 Front Squat
Aimee 160 Split Jerk
Seshu 50 pound PR on Back Squat
Jill 120 X5 Bench
Patrick 230 X5 Bench


  1. Aimee you have done a PHENOMENAL job of making KoP what it is! You have definitely mastered the moving parts of keeping King of Prussia a top tier box!

  2. Big congrats to all the athletes mentioned for some amazing PR's!
