
W.O.D. 4.3.14

Mark gives the 9:30 a try!!

Ryan S...ring dips!
 7AM running---you know who was the coach!
Strong Pete!

 Day 1 CrossFit Endurance...

4 Rounds for time:
10 Back Squats (155/225#)
10 Ring Dips

“Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.”
-Winston Churchill


  1. Mike S: 12:38 (115# band)
    Rachel: 10:22 (135# band)
    Luke: 11:19 (215# band)

    Mike: Your focus and drive to absolutely get full lock out on every rep was amazing. Le'git!
    Rachel: First time coaching you and it was a pleasure. Great attention to your knees on your squat.
    Luke: Mobility is increasing the more you come, way to stay on top of it.

    Great class today guys with lots of heavy breathing and accomplishments that I think may have surprised even you. Well done.

  2. 7am
    Peter W 9:21 Rx
    Joe C 9:45 (155#,band)
    Justin R 8:31 (155#, band)
    Rebecca R 6:17 (95#,bnd)

  3. 9:30AM
    Diane 10:36 225# band
    Mark R 12:38 135# band
    Jackie 8:07 115#paralette
    Ryan S 8:00 155#
    Jonathan 11:05 225#/band
    Fran 7:48 45#/paralette
    Darcy 7:46 53# paralette
    Steph I 8:31 83# pararlette
    Dianne 9:06 53#/band
    Aimee 10:53 Rx
    Keith 4:19 Rx

    Welcome to Mark R---thanks for checking out the dirty 9:30! Diane way to crush this at 225#! Darcy - great improvement on the Squat depth and mechanics.

    Evening classes... note a lot of athletes said they should have gone heavier on the weight! Make sure to step it up tonight.

    Today is the first CFEndurance Class of the season! Meet TP at the track at 5:30PM.

  4. 4:30
    Regi 10:05 135#/band
    Carmen 11:26 95/band
    Ryan B 14:31 275#

  5. 5:30

    Brett 11:30 band Happy Birthday!!!
    Tim Mc 7:45 Rx
    Cline 10:10 125 band
    Shawna 8:17 85 band
    Plentus 3:52 Rx

    Plentus absolutely hammered this! I think He only broke up the last set of ring dips.
