

Welcome to Josh!!
 Ryan S
 Ryan B

400 Meter Run
15 reps, Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)
2 Wall Ascents (6ft/8ft)
200 Meter Run
15 reps, Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)
2 Wall Ascents (6ft/8ft)
200 Meter Run
15 reps, Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)
2 Wall Ascents  (6ft/8ft)
400 Meter Run
15 reps, Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)
2 Wall Ascents  (6ft/8ft)

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” 
-Tommy Lasorda


  1. This looks like a fun one and running outside at 60 degrees is a plus.

  2. Hi Gang - 2 weeks ago I left my zip up grey Rogue hooide after a PT with jason at the box.....its not in the lost and found or hanging up. If you mistakenly grabbed it, can you please return it? Thanks!!

  3. For TP - 6am class

    Peter W - 13:57 Rx
    King - 12:57 Rx
    Luke - 15:24 6ft
    Wax - 15:53 Rx
    KT - 12:35 (65#)
    Erika - 14:49 (65#)
    Becca N - 18:48 sc

  4. Jonathan 12:32 RX
    Leslie 18:27 SC
    Zelda 20:48 SC
    Kara 16:25 #55 SC
    Diane 13:54 #75 SC
    Kim G. 18:15 #65 SC
    Jill H. 17:18 #55 SC

    A nice little run today! Welcome to Zelda and Leslie who did their first wod today!

  5. Megs,

    I saw a small Rogue hoodie on the racks out front last week....

  6. I saw it out there too Megs!

    Remember tomorrow is NEON DAY!!! Wear your BEST Neon!

  7. Barb 15:48 #60 SC
    Bre 16:16 RX
    Pam 13:30 RX
    Audrey 20:15 #53 SC
    Gavin 16:38 #80

  8. Correction I did 95# not RX.

  9. 5:30

    Josh 17:56 75
    Patrick 14:39 Rx
    Tim H 18:39 95 6ft
    Liza 17:25 35 6ft/box
    Jason I 19:18 Rx


    Many B 17:00 75 6ft/box
    Alona 15:50 65
    Jeff 14:51 Rx
    Balmer 9:40 Rx

    Balmer flew through this one. Nice job!! Welcome to Manny B on his first class!

  10. Fayth
    Steph C.
    Lauren G.
    Rachel W.

    Everyone worked so hard nobody has a time or score. Great Job Girlz. Lolz.

  11. Regi: 14:26 (53#)
    Olan: 15:06 rx
    Ryan S: 20:11 rx
    Tim M: 13:25 rx
    Ryan: 13:19 burpee pu
    Travis: 16:57 (6')
    Anne B: 16:46 (35# jumps)
    Marci: 16:10 (35# jumps)
    Dave N: 16:52 rx
    Joe G: 20:16 climbs and burpee pu

    Regi: first wall climbs!!!! Woohoo
    Olan: spiderman on the wall
    Ryan S: way to stick with the weight
    Tim M: good job adjusting your push press
    Ryan: only one to string all sto!!!
    Travis: perfect form on pp in demo
    Anne B: way to run!!!! Proud of you
    Marci: tight pp and getting better every class
    Dave N: fart...silent but deadly
    Joe G: wall ascents were epic!

    Today was awesome to coach. I loved the circle before class and the increased camaraderie. Well done. It was a true pleasurebto coach you all today,

  12. Thanks aim and Paul! Hopefully it re-surfaces!!!

  13. Travis's face is absolutely terrifying and i love it

  14. WOW, I hope that was my last rep
