

Brett under the bar hits a 45# PR!

5 Rounds for Time
20 DB Snatch (10 Each Arm, Alternating L/R) 75/50#
20 WallBalls

Cargo Net Climb

“When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points.”
― Confucius



  1. 7am:

    Joe 16:34 45/20
    Justin 22:47 65/20
    Audrey 18:23 15/8
    Nick 21:25 50/20

    Great job this am!

  2. 6am
    Steve Z. 18:45 25#/rom
    Luke 19:35 75#/rom
    Gina 16:42 35#
    Ellie 16:30 35#
    Brian H. 19:11 50#/rom

    Good work this morning crew. Remember to keep working to improve mobility in hips and hamstrings. Much easier to get full rom on the wall balls and helps getting under that DB on the snatch.

  3. Diane 21:10 Rx
    Ronnie ?? 14/30#
    Barb 13:19 15/20/10#
    Fran 16:01 10/15#
    Jill 15:42 20/8#
    Lizzie 15:49 20/10#
    Jonathan 15:34 14/35#
    Nick Z 14:12 20/25/14#
    Kara 13:15 20/10#
    Darcy 16:00 15/18#
    Kathleen 15:37 15/8# (38 weeks)!
    Steph I 16:30 20/8#
    Cate 19:35 rx
    Aimee 21:08 rx

    big welcome to our new mom's who converted over from the postpartum class--Lizzie, Darcy and Steph!

    Ronnie way to stick with the 30#!
    Diane way to gut it out with that 50#!

  4. Nice job by Alona and King this morning taking on 14.2 again... Not only did they both beat their previous scores, but King surpassed triple-digits as he entered round three. Great job!

  5. King - nice job making it into the triple digits on 14.2. Very impressive

  6. 5:30 Mobility

    John M
    Dave N

    Just like Mike T said in his earlier post-doing this stuff will absolutely assist you in getting better at doing movements like wall-balls and snatches. Not to mention stretching and mobilizing will increase joint longevity by decreasing pressure on the joints!

  7. 5:30 Mobility

    John M
    Dave N

    Just like Mike T said in his earlier post-doing this stuff will absolutely assist you in getting better at doing movements like wall-balls and snatches. Not to mention stretching and mobilizing will increase joint longevity by decreasing pressure on the joints!

  8. Roman: 19:27 (55#)
    Regi: 15:07 (35-10#)
    WW: 20:59 (50#)
    Travis: 23:11 (60#)
    Marci: 19:02 (15-10#)
    Ryan: 13:38 (Rx)

    Roman: Great push throughout the workout
    Regi: Best form in class on the snatches, awesome!
    WW: Good to see you again and ever improving squat...way to stick with it
    Travis: Pain at the end is when you make the most gain. BOOM
    Marci: Improving every day, those DU's are CLOSE
    Ryan: Brute strength coupled with great technique is powerful...master the technique

  9. 5:30

    Patrick 15:53 60#
    Alona 13:53 35#
    Joy 12:41 25/10#
    Manisha 15:25 15/8#
    Josh 18:05 35#
    Shawna 17:49 15/10#
    Tim H 18:39 35#
    Jill 15:51 20/12#
    JZ 17:20 35/14#


    Balmer 18:59 Rx
    Conn 16:21 25#
    Erika 10:58 15#
    Vlad 11:00 35#
    Melissa 12:30ish 15#

    Welcome to Vlad! He very well might be challenging John Mc for the "Mr. Intensity" title.

    Also a shout out to Olan. He texted me at 6:50 asking if our Team would have to count his 0 if he didn't do the Open WOD. When I told him Yes it would he got in his car and came in to do 14.2. Walked through the door at 7:30 got warmed up, scored a 69 and submitted his score on time!!! Nice work!!!
