

Death by Front Squat (95/135#)
Start with one rep the first minute, add 1 rep each minute, until you can no longer complete the reps within the minute

Cash Out:
Tabata Plank Holds 
(regular plank, high plank or side plank)

Community Notes:
All classes today will be held at the Annex (110C DeKalb).

Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare.
- Japanese Proverb


  1. Sad to hear about PSH. He really was amazing. Another shining star extinguished too early. It makes you wonder what makes someone so successful get involved with the H train...

  2. 9:00

    Rachel 13@75
    Doreen form 1st class!!
    Tracy 9Rx
    Erika 9@75


    Bob G 10@95
    Pete 13 Rx
    King 10 Rx

    Welcome to Rachel's mother Doreen!!! She did a very nice working on her squat in her 1st class! I believe she is our the to be welcomed for our friends and family week. Don't forget that you can bring someone along this week!!!
