

Postpartum Wellness Class ---day 1

2 Rounds of:
Row (for calories)
Power Snatch (55/75#)
Thruster (55/75#)
Handstand push-up

In this workout you move from each of four stations after two minutes. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is an eight-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Community Notes:
Our friends at CrossFit APEX are hosting the third annual Winter Combine.  This is a well run, fun, competitive event. Click here for more details and to register.

"Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all."
– William Faulkner


  1. For BarBulls, so far I have paid and confirmed: John M, Johnny K, Michael S, Dave N, Chip H, Mark C, and Luke....I believe there are two more that are going to sign up (Tim McC and Brett M) and there's room for a couple more guys if you're interested!


  2. Plentus, wish i could make this happen. Based on travel schedule next couple months, I cannot commit.

    Hope there is another one in spring / summer.

  3. 6am
    Pat P. 174 SB
    Roni 151 SB
    Miranda 149 SB
    Klutch 163 Rx
    Kathleen 146 sc
    Brian H. 170 sc
    King 160 Rx
    Gina 158 SB
    James 206 stiff leg snatch, Shoulder Press, SB
    KT 159 Ab Mat
    Erika 167 SB

    SB=Stink Bugs

  4. Thx! Also check out this nice crossfit workouts www.99crossfitness.com

  5. Chris - I cant find the info on BarBulls on the site. Can you send me the info or link - thanks

  6. Patrick,

    here is the link to sign up. Some guys have been having trouble, so if that's the case, just show up tonight a little before 7pm and I can sign you up. Brett is in the same situation.


  7. Top five movies of all time...3.2.1.GO

    5) Silence of the Lambs
    4) ShawShank Redemption
    3) Fight Club
    2) Empire Strikes Back
    1) Goonies

  8. 7am:
    Ninja Pete 180rx
    Joe Cool 137 65#
    Nick 150 rx

    Great job today guys!

  9. Balmer 181 RX
    Ronnie 205 sc
    Susan 261 sc
    Christ 166 sc
    Fugo 315 sc
    Kara 170 sc
    Barb 303 sc
    David 109 sc
    WWIII 181 sc

  10. 1) Goodfellas
    2) Heat
    3) Reservoir dogs
    4) Blow
    5) Dumb and Dumber

    *** Point Break

  11. 1. Sound of Music
    2. Dirty Dancing
    3. Spaceballs
    4. Love Actually
    5. Bridget Jones' Diary
    6. Stepbrothers
    7. Shawshank Redemption

    Can't name just 5.

  12. 5) Superbad
    4) Braveheart
    3) Forrest Gump
    2) Good Will Hunting
    1) Rudy

  13. 1. Gladiator
    2. Good Will Hunting
    3. CaddyShack
    4. Goodfellas
    5. Trainspotting

  14. I have seen all of your movies except Love Actually...maybe I did see it but it is not standing out in my mind. Of those listed, the only one I did not like was Blow...I thought it was okay but not stellar. I also went into SuperBad with WAY too high of expectations and I was let down.

    Braveheart is awesome, as is Good Will Hunting but the math they pretend to do is not accurate which makes me mad. If you are going to make a movie like that, at least pay a mathematician to look at it...they would probably do it for the credit alone.

    I also think that Heat could have been the best movie ever had Dinero gotten away. EPIC if he had...I did not like that he was killed.

    GIna...I hope you do not mean the one with Kerrie Underwood...

  15. In no particular order:
    Blade Runner
    Pulp Fiction
    Henry V (1989)
    Bridge on the River Kwai

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 1. The Fast and the furious
    2. 2 fast too furious
    3. fast and furious
    4. fast five
    5. fast six

  18. Absolutely not ever ever in a million years the one with Carrie Underwood. That was horrible!

  19. The Godfather (Parts 1 and 2)
    A Bronx Tale
    The Usual Suspects
    29th Street
    L.A. Confidential

  20. 3:30 private training
    Travis 136 (scaled hspu)

  21. 5:30

    Tim H
    John M
    Justin R

    Tim H- "This F#@$ing SUUUCKS"

  22. Regi: 151 (35# ab)
    Justin R: 133 (sb)
    Olan: 132 (Rx)
    Ryan: 213 (Rx)
    Brandon: 170 (65# sb)

  23. No particular order.

    Gangs of New York
    LOTR Return of the King
    Empire Strikes Back
    Raiders of the Lost Ark

  24. 5:30

    Laura 172 SB+HSPU
    Ryan S 161 sb
    Derreck 175 sb
    Patrick 174 Rx
    Kelly G 164 sb 35
    Tracy 180 sb 35
    Shawna 136 box 35


    Conn 151 sb
    Borden 184 sb
    Steph C 123 ku 45
    Manisha 128 box 25
    Mike L 136 ku
    Jenna 121 ku 35
    Jill 121 sb 55
