

150 Push-ups
*each time you break from the Push-ups and "rest" you must complete one 500 Meter Row.

"Rest" is considered stopping in the down phase of the push-up with chest to the ground.
"Rest" is considered stopping in the up phase of the push-up with your butt in the air.
"Rest" is considered coming on to the knees.

"Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play."
- Mike Singletary (49ers Head Coach)


  1. "Does Princess Sophia want to come out and play?"

  2. Hmm, I did wake up this morning thinking, 'I would love to row a 10k today, intermittently between a few push ups.'

  3. Hmm, I did wake up this morning thinking, 'I would love to row a 10k today, intermittently between a few push ups.'

  4. Jackie 60 Band (15min)
    Brian SG. 60 Band
    Fran 19:58 Band
    Fugo 17:20 Band
    Jill 22:35 Scale
    Kara 20:04 Scale
    Christ 20:11 Scale
    Ronnie 22:20 RX
    Rich 17:43 RX
    David 15:17 Band

  5. Mike Singletary no longer coaches the 49ers.

  6. The workout is push ups - right? what scale would involve a band?

  7. I want WINNERS!!!

  8. Anonymous, If you have to ask... You can't afford it.

  9. Anonymous @ 11:54 AM... At first glance this may look like a push up work out but having gone the 6:00 AM class I can assure you for many of us it's really a rowing workout :-) There is a way to scale push ups using a band, you form a harness around your shoulders with one band and it's attached to another band that hangs from the pull up bars. Doin them this way gives you a little "help" getting your body off the ground.

  10. 6am
    15 minute time cap
    Brian H 88
    Becca 45
    Erika 62ROM
    Kathleen 70incl

    peter w 28:42 Rx
    nick c. 23:40 rx
    Kim G 126 bnd/30min cap

    Mike T 18:04 rx
    travis 16:13 75Reps

  11. 4:30pm
    Jonathan 16;34 Rx
    King 19:42 Rx
    Dave 32:09 Rom
    Patrick 23:14

  12. Push Up Standards for RX:
    CHEST (not stomach) touches the deck
    Full lock out of the elbow at the top
    Body moves in plank position

    If the range of motion is half way decent your getting good work in. However this is CrossFit, and there is a standard for the RX. if you so choose to identify your time with those letters, it should meet the standards. If your not sure, ask your coach.

  13. Push Up Standards for RX:
    CHEST (not stomach) touches the deck
    Full lock out of the elbow at the top
    Body moves in plank position

    If the range of motion is half way decent your getting good work in. However this is CrossFit, and there is a standard for the RX. if you so choose to identify your time with those letters, it should meet the standards. If your not sure, ask your coach.

  14. Push Up Standards for RX:
    CHEST (not stomach) touches the deck
    Full lock out of the elbow at the top
    Body moves in plank position

    If the range of motion is half way decent your getting good work in. However this is CrossFit, and there is a standard for the RX. if you so choose to identify your time with those letters, it should meet the standards. If your not sure, ask your coach.

  15. Random Hockey FanaticDecember 20, 2013 at 6:22 PM

    Hat Trick!

  16. Donations are being taken at the box for a very special fund...
    Please support..paul needs a new fucking playlist...please leave itune cards at the desk..your friends at strength will greatly appreciate it!!! Thanks for supportimg such a worthy cause this holiday season...god bless

  17. 5:30 Mobility

    Tom C

    I know that people are away for the holidays, bjut make sure that when you get back to make mobilizing a resolution. This stuff will absolutely save your joints and make you a more efficient Crossfitter!
